Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Lost Letters of Perganum
The Lost Letters of Perineum, describes a collection of fictional letters being exchanged between two fictional characters known as Antipasti and Luke. Antipasti is a benefactor from Rome, and Luke is a physician and author of the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Luke is also the main person who Antipasti goes to throughout the novel for knowledge and answers to his many questions. The story is very well written and gives the reader an idea of what the first century Church was like.The letters also illustrate a vivid picture of Chrism's life and the effects his addict lifestyle had on the ancient culture. Antipasti, a self-established benefactor, resides from the cities of Tree and Caesar in Rome and is a worshipper of Jupiter and Culprits. Culprits, a nobleman from the city of Ephesus, went away when he suddenly lost his firstborn child. Due to his absence, Antipasti became quickly acquainted with Luke, whom was very wise and passionate about his beliefs in Jesus Christ.After An tipasti and Luke began writing to each other for a while, their conversations started to lean more towards the topic of spiritual matters and specifically towards Lake's decision to follow Jesus Christ and his works on Chrism's life. After much historical and spiritual discussion, the two moved to the topic of the gladiatorial events, in which people were slaughtered in front of hundreds of other people for entertainment. Antipasti was beginning to question the events and the morality of it all.As the two grew deeper into their spiritual conversation and Luke shared more of his views of Christ, Antipasti grew very curious. He began reading a narrative by Luke about Jesus Christ, and told Luke his thoughts and opinions about his work. Antipasti' curiosity soon led him to join a fellowship of Christians in his town led by a an named Notations. He met with the group regularly and saw what a huge effect Christ had on their modern culture. Antipasti grew to know more about Christ and bel ieved he was indeed the Son of God.His passion for him grew, and he knew that he should begin worshipping Christ and not Jupiter. As Antipasti' faith grew stronger he soon found himself protesting against the gladiatorial events. He discovered that his Christian brother, Demerits, was to be murdered and decided that he could not allow such an act to happen. Antipasti sacrificed himself for Demerits and was killed in his place by being earned alive. The reader knows that Antipasti sacrificed himself for what he believed in, all for the glory of God.I found it quite interesting that Antipasti had grown so passionate and loyal to the Christian religion in such a short time period. He made himself aware and educated and joined the other Christians in faith even though he knew they were highly unaccepted in their culture. He opened himself up to a new way of life and left behind his old beliefs that he stood by for years. Was amazing how Antipasti could grow so loyal to a religion he jus t learned of, than o one he had been worshipping most of his life.He grew so loving and faithful toward his new Christian beliefs that he was willing to die for another man and for a God he had just started to follow. Issues discussed in today's modern culture consists of many people believing that Christians are harassed for their beliefs and persecuted for their worships. However, whatever conflict they encounter today has no comparison to the effects of being Christian in the first century. Today there are many Christians but few who actually have a strong passion for the Gospel.There are thousands of people today who are proud to call themselves Christians, but would there still be as much if the consequences were still being beaten or murdered in front of a crowd? Does the passion of Christ lit inside of Antipasti still exist in any Christian today? Although the story was fictional, the portrayal of the first century was accurate. There were many people like Antipasti who were killed for standing up for their beliefs; perhaps the message here is for all modern day Christians to reevaluate the way they're following Christ, and to use Antipasti' passion and loyalty as an example to live by.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Concept of Visit-Ability in terms of Disabled Building Access
Access for handicapped people to public infinites and installations has become an of import portion of the political and societal docket. The belief of the societal theoretical account of handicapped and elderly people have become the ideological hegemony of disablement policy devising and inclusive design practise in the 21stcentury in the Earth. Many professionals, public author, civil society administration and governmental bureaus are promoting different designs strategies for accessible edifice to all. The concrete awareness of what handicapped people faces in an incompatible built environment. Senior citizens, sooner will love to go on populating independently in their ain places as they age. However, excessively frequently, structural barriers of public infinites prevent those who acquires a physical damage from aging in a topographic point.The extended spread of unavailability in each state ‘s lodging stocks makes it hard for persons with disablements of all ages to see friends and relations ( lynott, 2008 ) . Each states are characterised by a design apartheid. The edifice form and design are engraved with the values of an able-bodies society. Therefore, from stairss into stores to absence of initiation cringles in public and civic edifice. The handicapped people have to personally confront the reinforced environment, which were ne'er designed to provide for a scope of bodily difference. This has form the nucleus value and the perceptual experience of some societal disablement critics to see the built environment as â€Å"disablist, that is projecting able- bodied †values which legitimise oppressive, bias and prejudiced practises against people strictly on the footing that they have physical or mental damage. Disability and ripening is a cardinal issues. In the following two decennaries, 1000000s of the public of the Earth will hold attain older age. Each states will be confronted with hard challenges in the reinforced environment including deficiency of sustainable, marketable, accessible and low-cost lodging ( Maisel, 2007 ) . Despite the fact that lodging, community and inclusive design affects everyone, the connectivity between people and the built environment has an of import impact on the handicapped people and the ageing public. Maisel stated that an inclusive lodging design or sole lodging design can either, mortify or ease the ability of the people to populate and age comfortably without any assistive mechanism. The most relentless job to handicapped persons, is substructures being unaccessible, including old public constructions and lodging. The most appealing and hereafter utile solution is acceptance of the construct of visit-ability and an inclusive and cosmopolitan design attack. A visit-able infinite or substructure has at least a wheelchair accessible entrywaies and land floor room accesss and corridors broad plenty for person in a wheelchair to go through through. A few metropoliss in the U.S. have adopted Torahs necessitating a certain sum of visit-able place building ( ADA 1990 ; Duarte & A ; Cohen 2007 ) . As the recent demographic displacement set out to increase the present deficiency of accessible substructures and an inclusive design, a turning subdivision of the public will confront challenges in handiness and serviceability of their habitation. Visit-ability, inclusive and cosmopolitan design, did non merely be given toward demand for more accessible lodging but, it besides makes out, that this demand broaden beyond multifamily lodging market ( Maisel, 2007 ) . Inclusive and cosmopolitan design attack reduces environmental barriers ( unaccessible to public edifice and conveyance system ) and besides saves cost for redevelopment in instances of future mobility damage. Maisel argues that when visit-ability is in topographic point, occupants in the community can welcome invitees who use wheelchairs or Walkers ( walking frames ) , or have some other mobility damage such as stiffness, failing or hapless balance. On future projections graduated table, visit-able, inclusive and universally designed places heighten sale and re-sale in an epoch where both the figure and the per centum of older people are turning quickly. Non-disabled purchasers are attracted to well-designed places that is inclusively designed to welcome their ripening, handicapped households and friends and supply easy-use convenience for themselves. Furthermore from a human psychological science ( emphasis ) position, all occupants find it easier to convey in babe saunterers, food market carts, or heavy furniture and in clip of impermanent disablements, i.e. broken leg or arm, surgery, etc. , can necessitate usage of an assistive wheelchair or other mobility device during the recovery/recuperating period. This can organize important incommodiousness in most bing habitation with unequal basic handiness characteristics. ( Seekins, 2006 ) . Gaining the additions and turning demand for more accessible lodging, many province and local legal powers of the developed states have joined visit-ability motion and advocated for an inclusive and cosmopolitan inclined designs. In fact, several municipalities and provinces across these states have already formalized and enacted visit-ability plans. With their common end of increasing the supply of accessible lodging, this visit-ability plan is being altered significantly. The three simple ways they tend to be different are the geographic countries they extend to, the range of characteristic they are being made up and the systematic programs by which they are implemented and enforced. For case, including extra architectural elements such as barricading for grab bars in bathroom walls and accessible environmental controls. Some visit-ability enterprises are mandatory, whereby builders and the home grounds are required by a edict or act to include visit-able characteristic during new building. Other plans are strictly voluntary or possibly ( Nasar & A ; Cowley, 2007 ) . Visit-able lodging is a cosmopolitan and inclusive design lodging construct that is developing quickly across North America and around the universe at big. One of the distinguishable about visit-able houses are such that, at same clip, it allows the place to be visited by friends and relations who are aging or hold disablements but besides allows these same people, a lodging pick to buy or go on to populate in as their demands alteration. ( Ringaert, 2007 ) . History of Visit-ability The construct of visit-ability originated in Europe but was initiated in the United State of America in 1986 by Eleanor Smith, a disablement right advocator. Visit-ability is a sustainable, low-cost, marketable, security and accessible design attack that moves towards individual household places, the highest desire is to acquire all new places non covered by the present entree ordinances â€Å"accessible enough†for a visitant with disablement. Therefore visit -able places tends to suit anyone and to supply entree to everyone, irrespective of some limitations to bing Torahs of disablement ( Smith, 1986 ) . New moves to unify handiness in a individual household lodging and public infinite is lifting and going important in the 21stcentury discourse on the demand for handiness for all. The Founder of this grassroots platform Eleanor Smith recalls, â€Å"That one twenty-four hours in 1986 while she was driving in her auto around her place metropolis in Atlanta US, she passed through many new lodging development and she observed that, those places had stairss at the entrywaies and all of a sudden, she looks at the place otherwise and thought that those houses could hold all had access.†( NIDRR, 1999 ) . Concrete alteration promote the construct of visit-ability and work with the metropolis of Atlanta to go through the first visit-ability jurisprudence which makes it compulsory that all public lodging be accessible. Visit-ability became more see able throughout the 1990’s, as the construct was lodging fast. In 2001 and 2002, visit-ability came to the head as many other states has adopted it The Need and Evolution of Visit-ability Public infinite and handiness related issues are non limited to merely a few people, it adversely has an impact on a big figure of people, even the developed states like Canada, United States, United Kingdom etc. , who have mobility damage and hence go through barriers within their ain houses and public infinites. This public made up out of, but is non restricted to people who use assistive device. The information of statistical analysis from the handicapped Centre reveals that about 6.8millions of Americans occupants and about 8.7million of United Kingdom population make usage of the assistive devices to help their mobility ( DDA 1995 ; Laplante et Al. 2000 ) .Further surveies indicates that there will be an addition in the usage of mobility devices with the rapid rate of the aging public. ( Laplante et al. , 1992 ) . In common with the huge bulk of low-income states, non least in African, disabled and elderly people in Nigeria encounter a overplus of attitudinal ( deficiency of disablements issues by the general populace, etc. ) , institutional ( deficiency of entree to computing machine, cyberspace, information etc. ) and environmental barriers ( unaccessible to public edifice and conveyance system ) that impede and militate against their active societal inclusion within modern-day society. Many advocate groups and research workers sees visit-ability as a anchor towards carry throughing cosmopolitan design on a neighbourhood degree and a larger graduated table. In recognizing the deserving full intent of visit-ability in developing active communities and public infinites, Truesdale and Steinfeld ( 2002 ) argued, â€Å"Although less than the ideal of a universally designed place, visit-ability is truly cosmopolitan design engaged through inclusive design, community and vicinity planning. It guar antees that the basic degree of handiness will be put up in all the lodging and public infinite design, and it exposes chances for engagement in community life†. This instance analyze compliment resources for planing communities to accommodate societal diverseness and render just chances for all the occupants, or inclusive design. It centred on design of lodging to give handiness to people with disablements and aging in topographic point, while besides doing greater the comfortss and safety for all the occupants. This experience aims at doing alterations in the design practises. This is the cardinal aim of the inclusive design thought to grok that design for diverseness benefit all of us and our perceptual experience is been metamorphosed on differences as something about â€Å"them†( Steinfield & A ; White, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to the late Bernard Isaac ( 1996, as cited in Clarkson et al. , 2003 ) he said â€Å"design for the immature and you exclude the old, design for the old and you include the young†.Presently, one billion people of the Earth have a noticeable grade of functional damage across Europe, and in other states, where the procedure is good advanced, big Numberss of the public have retired and embarking on new career and have quest to do full their longer life. This inclination will impact strongly on the markets and have across-the-board design deduction. ( Clarkson et al. , 2003 ) . When we look closely at mundane merchandise, we can rapidly detect where people may hold troubles utilizing them. Many of these troubles are as a consequence of design determinations made without respect to the user, as such this grounds are frequently superficial but fortunately, the replies may frequently be superficial excessively. For case if the flexible joints of a door grip is excessively little to open the door handily, it can be replace with a larger 1. However, physical composing of the public is altering fundamentally and basically. It is non adequate to look at those acquiring older, no affair how sound, tantrum and healthy we may suit or non experience at this point in clip, as clip goes on in our beloved life we will certainly travel through a lessening in our active and operational capableness. Our ability to take part activity in some action will be impaired e.g. through inadvertent injury or the natural ripening procedure, after achieving the age of mid-twentiess our organic structure of course begins to have on out ( Kirwood, 1999 ) .Our ability to larn, see, travel around freely diminishes ( Keates & A ; Clarkson, 2003 ) .Inclusive design is borne out of and physiques on an earlier attacks to plan for chiefly disabled and aged people with focal point on entree to the built environment. ( Coleman et al. , 2007 ) . The demand of visit-ability The demand of the construct of visit-ability is turning quickly on a planetary graduated table. Each state is endeavoring to implement the rudimentss, in order to do lodging and public infinites accessible to all, without any signifier of favoritism. Harmonizing to Rocky Marcoux, the commissioner for the section of metropolis development, metropolis of Milwaukee, W1 â€Å"when people have to go forth the vicinity because their house no longer meets their demand, its unneeded. It is a forced migration in a sense†. The laminitis of concrete alteration, Eleanor Smith in one of her aberrant bases on the necessity for lodging being accessible to all stated flatly and decidedly that â€Å"when we build houses, the houses are non meant to be habited by inanimate things but by homo who are likely be at that place for hundred old ages, more besides these things hurt cipher and they help a batch of people.†As population of the Earth additions and a high proportion of the public ages. There will certainly be an increase in demand, each state closes her rank and file in seeing to the turning demand and need for accomplishing inclusive lodging and community design through the acceptance of the construct of visit-ability. The demand of a visit able houses is lifting and a batch of states are traveling toward this way, in seeing to implementing bing handiness Torahs and implementing the execution of the Torahs. Though, as most of developed states strives to do up an environment that, is accessible to all without any signifier of prejudice. Some still lacks behind, United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, France, Norway are all in the frontline of this run but Norway is in front of other states of the Earth on the execution of accessible and inclusive design down to the community degree ( Bringa 2001 ; Smith et al. , 2007 ) . Regulation and Principle of Visit-ability Harmonizing to Walton d. Dutcher Jr. the Visit-ability Ordinance is a sensible thrust to necessitate minimal entree to places built with fiscal aid provided by the City. However, an embracing social position would be that anything less than an inclusive lodging and an accessible environment is, by default, discriminatory and biased. The visit-ability regulation requires all new places to be built with at least one entryway with no measure, and doors at least 32 inches broad. It besides requires, lever door grips, reinforced walls in ground-floor bathrooms so as to do it easier for an resident to put in grab bars, and the switches should non be any higher than 48 inches, and the Hallways should be 36 inches broad throughout the full chief floor. A visit-able house is non compulsory designated to hold the entire grade of handiness required by a awful disablement individual, it intentions is to make a place for anyone and to render basic entree features for all. The three fundamental rules of the construct of visit-ability are some cardinal characteristics of entree for all. New lodging units can be achieved at low cost, if implement at the earlier phase of building and good design are practised. Access and liveability for all is a civil right and a platform to better qualities of life and a limited figure of important characteristics will turn the magnitude of handiness comparable to a more across-the-board list of features. ( Maisel, 2006 ) . Challenges and Success of Visit-ability There are certain bing and recognised challenges to implementing visit-ability. From the place builders point of position, they have some frights and expostulations to the construct and rule of visit-ability, while some see it that it should be a voluntary action, others feels that it must be compulsory. ( National Association of Home Builders ( NAHB ) , 2003 ) . NAHB ( 2003 ) argues that the end-users ( place purchasers ) should be at autonomy to prefer the type of houses they want, non to be limited or constrained to accept characteristics they do non desire or necessitate now. Critics query the legality of regulations, cost of the plan and the practicableness of execution. The house builder ground that beside, the menace of the misdemeanor on place owners’ rights, accomplishing inclusive lodging and community design is excessively expensive and more besides negate architectural aesthetic qualities of a house ( Lawlor 2004 ; Myzek 1998 ) . Second, from the advocates’ positions, which antagonises the builders’ statement, that place builder non frequently request visit-ability and alteration should be reliable wholly on a free market system. They contend that most of place purchaser are non aware of the visit-ability motion and do non cognize that they could inquire for the basic visit-ability characteristics when constructing a new house. The advocators believes that the builders try to accommodate and fulfill themselves entirely by trying to determine the market to their ain belief and instead than merely reacting to the turning demands and demands of the market. ( State Building News, 2006 ) . The possible obstructions to the credence of new visit-ability plan are heighten by the deficiency of visit-able houses being built in communities that have long adopted the universal and inclusive design attacks. Several broad and specific policy issues embracing the construct of visit-ability must be harmonised to guarantee future success of accomplishing inclusive lodging and community design scheme. With consideration to these challenges, the visit-ability motion continues to come on, some of the indicant are the emerging measures, Torahs, federal, provinces Acts of the Apostless, public and bookmans outcry. As more people are being confronted with barriers in serviceability and handiness of their places, visit-ability references their demands and demands. Significance of Visit-ability These study works is to advance and construct on an inclusive design and community action undertakings that enhances the integrating of visit - ability lodging system. It is the believe that the development and acceptance of the construct of visit-ability toward inclusive lodging and community design is polar for everyone and more particularly, as it is in line with the aims of cosmopolitan design. One of the calculation and dramatic forces of construct of visit-ability toward accomplishing accessible lodging is that, it flexible, gives chances for the public to entree their friends, household members and neighbors and thereby, doing it useable and livable for all. Modern schemes for incorporating handiness characteristic are lifting. One of such is the compatibility and workability of the construct of visit-ability, inclusive and cosmopolitan design attack. The inclusion of basic entree at the start of building, reduces waste of resources, clip and energy dissipated, which could be needed for remodelling and house resettlement. Thus makes inventing vicinities designs inclusive, sustainable, marketable and low-cost. The mark of visit-ability differs from both entire handiness and cosmopolitan design but what is paramount is that on a short term agencies. Visit-ability is applicable and cheaper because the basic characteristic of visit-ability are integrated at the early phase of building. The purposes of visit-ability is great, it promotes the ability to age in one’s personal house, besides person has the ability to see 1s neighbour and presume an built-in portion of the community. Physical disablement issues, as more of civil and human right concerns, there are some bing and sensed obstructions to follow through visit-ability. As such it will be impossible for all the turning public to hold a positive attitude about their ability to remain on in their several places, as they ages, except if some of the bing barriers, Torahs and provinces limitations are looked into by the jurisprudence shapers.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Analysis of Anaesthetic Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Analysis of Anaesthetic Nursing - Research Paper Example Since nurses have to play a significant role in the patients’ care, tactfulness, knowledge, experience in handling an emergency situation, discretion, judgment, alertness, and empathy on their part are very important for overall efficiency in treatment to the patients. Evidence-based anesthesia nursing practice calls for placing more emphasis on literature evidence than scientific studies for enhancing the expertise in the field of anesthesia. For use of current evidence in providing care to the patients, it is essential to analyze the existing evidence in terms of definition of the problem, applications used to overcome the problems, methods adopted, reliability of the evidences used for the study, clinical trials, surveys, expert opinions or case reports and applicability of the evidences to the present case for formulating strategies and implementation by establishing standards. Evolution of Anaesthetic nursing Though Nightingale’s ideology is considered as the start ing point for modern nursing, the theoretical basis for nursing has evolved later in history. Frederic Hewitt’s textbook on Anaesthetics and their Administration in 1893 was an important milestone in training in the field of anesthesia (Scurr, 1971, p. 275). Ether and chloroform had been used as anesthetic agents for a long time as they were effective and fast. A patient â€Å"under ether, sinks into a calm and dreamless sleep†and surgery is performed successfully without suffering pain, but â€Å"the danger in breathing ether is chiefly from impeded or failing respiration†(Cheever, 1884, p. 509). However, after the advent of advanced and safer inhalation anesthetic agents, the use of ether and chloroform has been gradually stopped. Chloroform was widely used as an anesthetic agent. However, it was later found that it caused cardiac problems to the patients and abandoned also due to its toxic properties. Brandy, opium, and cocaine were used as anesthetics thro ughout the world in various countries. There is a number of derivatives such as amylocaine and procaine that are cocaine based. Regulations and standardization in different countries brought control over their manufacturing and use. Opioid compounds have been used in the treatment of pain for a long time in medical history due to its analgesic effects. Opiate-based drugs like Codeine and Hydrocodone have been used as pain killers. These drugs have addictive properties which lead to dependence on these drugs. Morphine is a widely used opiate analgesic drug and regarded as a standard analgesic. The advent of morphine which could be injected hypodermically changed the course of anaesthesiology completely. Diamorphine called a heroine used to treat severe pain can also be administered intravenously. Nitrous oxide is commonly used in dentistry as inhalation analgesia. It is considered effective and safe to provide moderate sedation. It is effective as a general anesthesia for suppressing all sensations. It should be cautiously used in some cases like schizophrenia or pregnancy. â€Å"Nitrous oxide (N2O) has been used for about 150 years in clinical anesthesia. Â
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Establish & Adjust the markerting mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Establish & Adjust the markerting mix - Essay Example Other regions with high market potential are Middle East since the spending power of the consumers is on the higher side. Pakistan would be a good option since there is presence of very few fresh juice brands. The best market for fresh juices would be regions having Tropical Temperatures and Equatorial conditions. In this regard, Pakistan, India, Srilanka and Middle East would be the best international markets to market fresh juices as the healthiest beverage for summer hydration requirements. Both young single and young married to keep up their balanced diet requirements in their busy schedule, Married with children (young& old) to provide the necessary vitamins to their children, and old people to meet their diet requirements in old age. Aware, Informed and desirous to buy. Juices are not a new product consumers are aware and purchase juices habitually and are well informed in their decision due to immense electronic advertising as well as on package information. The consumers tend to be indifferent between the various juice brands they consume. Also, they tend to substitute juices with other beverages form a different category like the Cola drinks since juices and cola drinks satisfy the same basic need i.e. hydration. Geographical Segments Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka: these are
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Democracy - Essay Example The entire organization will then implement the alternative choice that has the most number of votes. This is the normal situation in a corporation or partnership. This is also further exemplified by the yearly high school class election of officers. Democracy, in general, means that the government is run by people elected by the people within its territorial jurisdiction. Therefore, indirectly, the people control the government. The present day democracy has the three pillars of democracy. The three pillars are Initiative, Referendum and Recall where the government leaders go directly to the people to ask their opinions and approval of some national issues. Democracy comes from the Greek word meaning "rule by the people". Democracy has been accepted as the origin of democracy because it started when they right of democracy to a few minority of the adult inhabitants in the city. The three famous Greek philosophers, Plato, Aristotle & Thucidides, depicted democracy as the government of the ignorant or government of the poor. In the Federalist, James Madison assumed that democracy involved direct rule by the people and stated "democracies have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths (Hamilton et al., 1908) Democracy then was concentrated on the male voting population. ... Democracy has its advantages but it also has its disadvantages. On the other hand, there are countries where the people believe that their form of government is far superior in the democratic form of government. According to Sartori, Modern man wants a different kind of democracy (Santori, 1987) The Communist party of the Soviet Union has recently changed its stand on democracy. From its former stand of saying that democracies are a kind of sham where the workers are told that they could improve their economic position in life through the election ballot. Its new stand is that The Soviet Union, in its 1936 constitution, described itself as DEMOCRATIC institution. The regular election of the people's government representative is done in order to the elected officials to wake up to the reality that they owe their position to the people electing them. Henceforth, these people's representatives must do everything in their power to voice out and accomplish what their constituents want accomplished within the time period that they are in. The Americans formerly called democracy as REPUBLICAN form of government.But if democracy is the right for the people to vote either directly thru plebiscite.., or indirectly through electing their government representatives, is it still democracy when only a small sector of the entire population is allowed to vote or elect their representatives This is very evident in the African countries where the small population of whites is governing a largely black and colored population.Well, the answer depends on who is answering the question. For an white person, this is a democratic process but to a black and colored person, there is no democracy because they have no
Friday, July 26, 2019
Should Women be allowed in combat Research Paper
Should Women be allowed in combat - Research Paper Example with, the skeletal system of the women is less dense and is more prone to fracture (Journal of the American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2011). According to Center for Military Readiness, most of the female soldiers are shorter and smaller than men. Their upper body strength is less than 45-50% compared to males, and their aerobic capacity is lesser of 25-30%. (Center for Military Readiness, 2004) Physiological Concern. It is nature to women about their menstruation that happens monthly. At this state, they are believe to be incapacitated during that period as they are prone to accidents due to their limited action. This was observed during World War II. However, there are some sectors who refute the claim with certain evidences and studies that women do perform equally even during their menstrual period. (Poulos, 1996) Psychological Concern. Relationship could develop between a man and a woman soldiers. This projection could put the unit at risk in an actual combat. Thus, women are banned in the front-line combat situations. The fear to be in the front-line of combat might drive women to get impregnated so as to avoid being in it, which is far very critical for the combat attack plan. (Center for Military Readiness, 2004) Female soldiers could also be objects of capturing, torture, and sexual assailment that will make the combat unit vulnerable. Males on the other hand have no record of sexual assailment but high percentage on physical abuse. Females have the highest percentage of sexual assailment in units. (Louise Slaughter, 2011) Conclusion. With physical, physiological, and psychological concerns that are based on facts reveals that women should not be allowed in a combat. Their presence in the combat will put at risk the combat units and make them
Paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Paragraph - Essay Example Best Buy’s trip to Memphis encourages racial diversity among managers and employees through immersion, encouraging them to observe the strengths and weaknesses of other managers and employees that they could use to improve their own services. Learning from a wider variety of racial mixture gives managers the chance to widen their scope of observation as well especially when it comes to preferences, attitudes and customer service desired. Seeing other people do their responsibilities in a setting where racial and gender diversity is encouraged will also benefits the managers and employees by letting them see that there is no harm in showing their true natures. That, they do not have to pretend to be somebody they are not only to impress other people, which could be limiting their ability to perform well in their workplace. Diversity also encourages people to work together in unity regardless of gender and race. This eventually promotes a safer and more comfortable atmosphere fo r customers. Such a welcoming mood increases customers visiting the place which would mean higher sales and therefore, higher bottom lines.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
In the light of relevant case law, consider how adequately buyers of Essay
In the light of relevant case law, consider how adequately buyers of goods are protected by virtue of the obligations placed on sellers by ss.13 and 14 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 - Essay Example f mandatory legalised rules which focuses on a range of beliefs and implied terms that intent to reveal the commercial prospects in the sales contract. The introduction of the SGA has enforced more responsibility on the part of the sellers to protect the right of the buyers. In the present day context, it has been observed that the buyers have become more conscious about the trustworthiness, abilities and verdict of the seller (Crown, n.d.). The objective of this study is to determine how the buyers of goods are protected by virtue of the Obligations Placed on Sellers by ss.13 and 14 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979. The SGA provides extra protection to the buyers and the sellers in relation to the contract for the products supplied. The SGA gets spontaneously implied on the contract amid the buyer and the seller. This act ensures the buyer concerning to the aspect of the quality, appropriateness and the standard of the products that has been purchased. Section 12-15 of the SGA concerns about different factors that is implied in the buying and selling process (In, 2014). Section 13 of the SGA is referred to as the sale by description which implies a condition that the good that has been supplied will have to resemble its description and the rule is associated towards providing favour to the buyer of product (Tufai, n.d.). Section 14 of the SGA refers to the quality of the product which implies the condition of the goods while being purchased will have to be of a satisfactory quality. In other words, the goods being sold by the seller either new or second hand while carrying out the b usiness activity must meet the requirement for which the good is sold and must be free from any defects. However, this rule would not be applied to the buyer if in case any defect or flaw in product comes to the attention of buyer while purchasing (Marson, 2013; Sylvester, n.d.). Section 13 of the SGA is applied wherein the sellers sale the goods by providing the description
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 7
Project management - Essay Example The management and implementation of projects in the public sector is a very big challenge simply because there is large number of constraints that restricts the operations. The major issue of projects in public sector is that it is under the control of government and it is their task to deliver quality project at the specified time. The government policies as well as projects needs to be delivered within the time, should meet the expectations as well as should be within the budget. To accomplish such a task is not easy because the environment in which public sector organizations operate is very competitive. The project taken into consideration is related to the work area or more specifically taking the support of external suppliers to deliver services that would be beneficial for the workers who are disabled to reintegrate in terms of workplace and provide services to all other employers and workers who might require such services. The design phase of a project requires availability of essential resources in right proportion. The designing phase of any project is very crucial simply because it lays the foundation of development of the project. The design needs to contribution from all the key personnel in the organization. The management of the organization as well as other executives needs to have well defined tasks so that none of the responsibilities overlap each other. For smooth running of a project it is very essential that the user’s expectations are kept in mind. The first factor that plays a critical role in project management is to have an appropriate team for project design, development and implementation. The leadership skills are very essential for effective management of project because it enhances the motivation level of the project team members. The members involved in the project needs to be highly motivated and should be enthusiastic
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Normative Relativism Ethical Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Normative Relativism Ethical Theory - Essay Example The ethical theory that I will apply is one whereas an individual running an organization as a youth group with a diversity of members. Some of the members are Christians, others Muslims and others are not religious. Due to the differences in religious orientations of the members, there are issues during discussions and joint functions since some members perceive themselves as better people and more morally upright compared to their counterparts of different religions. This has lead to many decisions being viewed as biased and not accepted by all the members hence growth and nurturing of conflicts and strife. The ethical theory that is to be presented is a normative relativism and it indicates that every individual has what or to what extent he feels that an issue is morally okay hence it cannot be judged against him when he fails to meet the expectations and targets of the society. This is a big dilemma to the judging of individuals since every person has a benchmark of whatever he feels is quantified as ethical moral. My ethical theory is for the search of what is morally right for the society despite the constraints and upheavals facing the society at present and in the past. It, therefore, is a representative of normative ethics hence it will be showing a judgment of what is right or wrong as it occurs within the social ranks. It will examine the virtues, norms, and values attached to the social issues and how the society generally implements the issues. The ethical theory that I present above is one that represents the value ethics of the society in relation to the judgments of issu es in a way that is morally friendly and without compromising the rights and actions of the other individuals.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Slides Marketing Presentation Starbucks Essay Example for Free
Slides Marketing Presentation Starbucks Essay You should know this, because you are all part of the target group of starbucks. The target group of starbucks are young urban adults (approximately 18-45 year olds) coffee consumers in the capital area. This targeting would concentrate on consumers that value spending time in coffee stores that offer a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere. They are not only interested in grabbing a cup of coffee but also would like to enjoy the Starbucks experience. For this they would be willing to spend a little over the average price for specialty coffees. Therefore the target segment would mainly concern young adults (approximately 18-45 year olds) that have regular incomes. Marketing should be focused on reaching youth customers with varying tastes and interests. Starbucks strives to provide excellent service and along with its large variety of products the comfortable atmosphere that Starbucks’ stores have, also offers young adults the chance to sit down and relax if they wish. The lifestyle of urban young adults is also typically fairly hectic, which suits Starbucks’ coffee-to-go culture. Slide 3: As we know it is more expensive to attract new customers than it is to retain current ones. Starbucks knows this and this fact confirms it. How do they do this? We’ll get into this during the presentation. Slide 15: One of the principles of Starbucks is to recognize that profitability is essential to their future success. They want to achieve this goal, by reinventing its food menu. The assumption is that its loyal fans are willing to pay top-dollar for a cup of coffee, so they must be able to afford a snack or lunch on the side. Food contributed about 22% of Starbucks’s same-store sales growth in the U.S. in the latest quarter, with the help of new items like salad bowls. The company is focusing on productivity through new products and a very important expansion through the grocery channel, where they are making great strides with K-Cups and other products that give their brand a presence in consumers’ homes. So basically, their goal in the future is to achieve a bigger market share worldwide and create a bigger profitability.
Television watching Essay Example for Free
Television watching Essay Extensive viewing of violent programs on television can lead to aggression in children. Children watch an average of three to four hours a televison a day. Television is a powerful influence in shaping behavior and developing value systems. It may lead to a gradual acceptance of violence, imitation of violence, and the identification of violence within themselves. The more a child views a violent television program the more they will become immune to violence and learn to gradually accept it. Research has shown ideal to be true. One example: in several studies, those who watched a violent program instead of a nonviolent one were slower to intervene or to call for help when, a little later, they saw younger children fighting or playing destructively. (What do) Viewing the violent program caused the child to take more time to react to the situation. He had been desensitized to the violent act because he had been viewing a violent programmed show. Television can cause a child to grow to feel immune towards violence. Perhaps our child in this case simply felt nothing but seeing what he witnessed, or maybe he had accepted it as something normal. In either case the violent programs that children are watching are causing adverse effects. A child who has no been exposed to such violent programming on television would have reacted much quicker and intervened when they saw a younger child fighting. But television doesnt only cause children to become immune to the horror of violence, or to gradually be able to accept it as a part of the world. It also can lead to the imitation of violence from the children. Television violence causes an imitation and a heightened sense of aggression among younger children. This proposes a much more of a problem then simply accepting violence and becoming immune to it. Younger children are more likely to carry out violent acts on other children if they are exposed to a substantial amount of violence on television today. This can cause problems in school, home, and even work environments. The child will come to believe that violence is the answer to his problems. Any act of aggression carried out upon another human being will result in a adverse condition being put upon the person committing the act. A child may feel that they need to lash out again someone who took a toy from them as then seen it done on television. This is where the problem begins to make itself apparent. Children who watch the violent shows, even just funny cartoons, were more likely to hit out at their playmates, argue, disobey class rules, leave tasks unfinished, and were less willing to wait for things than those who watched the nonviolent programs (Children). We can see clearly these children are going to find themselves in a whole lot of trouble and many quicker then they realize. From watching the violent programming on televison they accept it as a solution, and the imitate what it is that they have seen. So its not just the imitation alone that effects the children watching the programming its a series of steps. They gradually accept it, then they imitate it, and in imitating it then learn to identify with it. Identification on violence in televison programming leads to an extended identification of the world, aggression, and themselves. Identification with violence on televison can become the most dangerous relationship between TV and the younger person. Studies by George Gerbner, Ph.D., at the University of Pennsylvania, have shown that childrens TV shows contain about 20 violent acts each hour and also that children who watch a lot of television are more likely to think that the world is a mean and dangerous place (What do..). Believing that the work is a mean and dangerous place can put fear into a child. They have already learned to accept and imitate violence, through identification they may react in a way that fits in with the ideal of mean and dangerous. Also, they may become more aggressive in order to fit in with their perspective of what should be. Drama televison often shows a teen going through many difficult situation in their life. Perhaps the program is about a teen committing suicide as a way to deal and cope with his problems. The young child has already learned to accept this violent act and feel immune to it. He could imitate it, or identify with it. In either case this is where a serious problem can begin to show an ugly head. These situation could perhaps been avoided if less violent programming was viewed, or moderated. The violent acts carried out in children is not simply one of these three factors, but it is a progression of the three. Children can accept the violence, then imitate, and identify with it. One in itself doesnt present as serious as issue as the three combined. Televison programming does indeed have an adverse relationship with aggression among children. We most come to realize that this relationship is only going to progress and in some cases could even result in the loss of many lives.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Media Role In Mitigating The Philippine Population Problem Politics Essay
Media Role In Mitigating The Philippine Population Problem Politics Essay In a country where the Catholic Churchs position is taken as a major factor in policy decision making, population control legislation has progressed ever so slowly. Progress that managed to be made, suffer from public acceptance and its proponents in government widely seen as practically committing political suicide. But there is a silent majority that sees the myriad of problems that this unabated rise in population brings: poverty, unemployment, lack of education, crime realities they are already experiencing in their daily lives, a reality that they hope the government would address through effective population control policies. If the Churchs position cannot be swayed, is media doing its role in educating and information dissemination? Is it being an agenda setter or acting as an effective check and balance, or is it also being caught in countrys intricate web of politics and power relations? In order for me to begin to analyze this problem, I found it necessary to acknowledge and establish that there is first and foremost, a population problem in the Philippines. I also need to establish that although there are possible solutions to this situation, the Catholic Churchs position on the use of artificial family planning methods is what makes the national government seemingly impotent in implementing an effective population control policy. To open my analysis, I refer to the studies made by Alejandro Herrin and Ernesto Pernia which states that the Philippines current levels of fertility and population growth stunts the countrys economy. I chose to rely on their findings and figures as their intensive study on this issue is fairly recent (being published in 2003), and from that period up to the present, no major change has occurred as far the countrys population control policies are concerned. In fact, the issue of population control is currently being deliberated in Philipp ine Congress, with the Philippine legislature currently trying to pass the Reproductive Health Care and Population Development Bill (Senate Bill 3122 and House Bill 5043), its proponents hoping that this would address the countrys population woes. As expected, the proposed bill is currently facing stiff opposition from the Catholic Church [1] as well as from various pro-life groups. [2] Alejandro Herrin and Ernesto Pernia in the aforementioned 2003 study concluded that feeble economic growth and transformation, exacerbated by rapid population growth, have been responsible for the Philippines poor performance in human resource development and employment over the past two to three decades. [3] The authors argue that the countrys slow economic growth has generated only meager resources for investment in health, nutrition and education, and that these are not enough to meet the demands brought about by high fertility. [4] The countrys slow economic growth for example, results in limited job opportunities, and this, coupled with a steadily growing labor force feeds into the countrys growing problem of unemployment and income inequality, which in turn, coupled with the rise in population density in urban areas, worsen problems of crime [5] as well as becoming a factor that contribute to the cultivation of a culture of corruption. [6] Corruption, in turn, worsens the already weighty problem of poverty [7] and inequality, completing the vicious cycle that seemingly keeps the country in a destitute trap. Herrin and Pernia further stress that not only is there a need to seriously address the population problem, but that there is also a need to address this problem while attending to the structural weakness in the economy at the same time. They recommend that in order to remedy this situation, a strong population policy must be made an integral part of the countrys development strategy, [8] and proposes a policy framework based on decomposition of future population growth in terms of its main sources namely unwanted fertility, the preference for a large family size and population momentum. [9] It should therefore be noted that although Herrin and Pernia acknowledges the population problem, the current rates of population growth and fertility are not the problems per se; it is seen more as a factor that compounds the current economic situation which, in turn, keeps the national government from taking advantage of the possible dividends that the maturation of this population could bring. This level of population growth and fertility might be advantageous for a country that is in a stage of development where it has the necessary resources to harness this demographic dividend, but in the Philippine setting, these growths are seen more as a liability than an asset. We do add to the labor force annually, but because of limited resources, there are not enough employment opportunities locally to accommodate most of these new entrants in the labor force, and this keeps unemployment and underemployment rates high. [10] The fact that a substantial percentage of employed workers in the country are laborers or unskilled workers is also a cause of concern. [11] Parts of the labor force that do manage to find employment outside the country on the other hand, settle for blue-collar work, or accept high-risk jobs. [12] One might argue that the country is in fact already reaping some form of demographic dividend through labor-migration, but looking at the countrys most recent population pyramids (1990-2005) [13] , one could also argue that the possible economic gains from labor-migration only went into the acquisition of resources for the care of the bigger population of children health care, daily needs (food etc.), education, chil d care (nannies). Cost of caring for the elderly and debt repayment incurred before going abroad,eats up into this supposed economic gain as well. Not much goes into investment or savings that can be translated into capital that could fuel much needed growth. [14] The Catholic Church Opposition Simply looking at one study alone (Herrin and Pernia), one can easily see that the Philippines indeed has a population problem, or at least a realization that unabated growth in population rate and fertility rates may be linked to various societal dilemmas the country is currently experiencing, such as: rising poverty, inequality, unemployment and slow economic growth. So why is it that there is this opposition by the Catholic Church to mitigate this problem, and concomitantly, why is it that the Catholic Churchs position on this issue is regarded with such weight? The Philippines is a predominantly Catholic country, with around 80% of its population being Catholics. The Filipinos values, morals, much of the norms and beliefs in the Philippines have been shaped by more than 300 years of being subject to Christian indoctrination under Spanish rule. Just like any other religion in the world, the Catholic Church upholds particular values and mores that are not subject to change or even reconsideration values based on sex and marriage are one of those. Sex before marriage and living together before marriage are deemed morally wrong; sex within marriage on the other hand is considered a gift, that is meant to unite the couple and presupposes the creation of life. [15] The Church has always stood firm on their stand with regards to artificial methods of contraception for married couples, stressing that controlling ones sexual urges is a personal responsibility, and that the couple has the right to choose and decide their family size again gui ded by their responsibility, as parents, to provide for their children; abortion is especially frowned upon. Just how strong is religion in upholding these beliefs? If the study done by Evelyn Lehrer entitled Religious Affiliation and its Relation to the Economic and Demographic Decisions People Make, were to be our basis for analysis, we would infer that religion indeed have a huge influence on the people that practice them. Lehrer states that people tend to take into account religion in whatever interrelated decisions they make over their life cycle (emphasis added), further stressing that for behaviors that pertain to married couple households as opposed to individuals, religion matters because it is a complimentary trait within marriage, affecting many activities that husband and wife engage in together. [16] Herrin practically echoes Lehrers argument in his assessment of the Philippine setting by stating that perhaps the single most important factor influencing population policy making [in the Philippines] since its formulation in 1969, and may partly explain its ever shifting focus, is the persistent and consistent opposition of the Catholic Church hierarchy to the government population policy of reducing population growth as well as its promotion of artificial family planning methods. [17] Historically speaking, it is alleged that it was the Marcos administrations intention to promote family planning in the country that actually stimulated Philippine Catholicism to strengthen the commitment of the faithful to the Catholic hierarchys view on the subject. [18] From that period on, the Catholic Church in the Philippines has continued to adapt a hard stance on these issues, even if other predominantly Catholic countries around the world (and even some of the predominantly Musli m countries in Southeast Asia who tend to have stricter religious beliefs) have long accepted artificial contraception as well as their governments population control policies. The Catholic Church in fact was instrumental in deleting a provision on population control in the Philippine Constitution when it was amended in 1987, following the ouster of then President Ferdinand Marcos; I dont believe they will change their position any time soon and put back something in the Philippine Constitution that they fought hard to take out. If any institution wants to change the current accepted beliefs with regard to starting a family, deciding to have or not to have a child, and how many children to have, one should always take into consideration the Catholic Churchs position (in fact, Catholic values in general), and work through the Catholic way of thinking and belief systems. This is exactly what former Department of Health Secretary Juan Flavier did in the mid 90s. Flavier, being a devout Catholic himself (though he did advocate artificial birth control methods), did not go on record as claiming to be against the Churchs position, but just went on and did his job as Health Secretary and pushed for an effective family planning campaign, [19] which was having substantial results until his success as Department Secretary propelled him to the Philippine senate where he served two terms. This then leaves us with the second part of the question; why is it that the Catholic Churchs position on this issue is regarded with such weight? I believe McQuillan has given us an idea of why this is the situation in the Philippines, when he stated that religious values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are likely to play a critical role in shaping demographic behavior à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦when churches are able to build a network of religious institutions that play a formative role in the lives of members and to exercise influence over civil institutions in society as well (emphasis added). [20] Lehrer further adds that this is not only true on the issue of fertility as McQuillan argues, but that it also extends to other demographic and economic outcomes. [21] I believe both Lehrer and McQuillan are on spot, at least in the case of the Philippines, as history does back up this argument. Aside from the fact that the Catholic Chuch do play a huge role in shaping Filipino beliefs through educat ion (Catholic schools) and through regular sermons delivered during mass (weekly Church service), the Catholic Church also holds sway (at least morally as spiritual advisors) over the countrys leaders who happen to be predominantly Catholics [22] . The Catholic Church also plays an active role in politics as watchdog and critic the Catholic Church was at the forefront of the two People Power revolutions, the first toppled the Marcos dictatorship, and the second removed Erap Estrada in office on charges of corruption and for moral grounds. [23] Another political role of the Church is as kingmaker. Proof to this is the number of visitors the Cardinal gets during election period, all hoping to get the Catholic Churchs highly regarded endorsement. In fact, this vote-courting practice even extends to other Christian denominations in the country that have similar; if not more rigid; position on abortion, birth control and family planning. Any actor in Philippine politics woul d definitely think twice about advocating these population control measures and going against the strongly held beliefs of the Church, [24] as doing so would be tantamount to committing political suicide. Government Action and Inaction Aniceto Orbeta in an ADB discussion paper points out that the Philippines has been credited as one of the earliest adopters of a strong population program in Asia, [yet] today it still has not resolved the population problem, while her late adopting neighbors have successfully addressed the problem and [have since] turned to face other problems. [25] Given the above mentioned constraints presented by the Catholic Church, and a society that largely adheres to Catholic values, what has government managed to accomplish as regards family planning and population control? Then President Ferdinand Marcos was one of the 17 heads of states that signed the UN Declaration of Population on December 1967. The UN declaration in essence emphasized that the population problem must be recognized as a principal element in long-range national planning if governments are to achieve their economic goals and fulfill the aspirations of their people. [26] With this idea in mind, the government then embarked on studies in order to come up with policies and programs to address concerns about the negative implication of rapid population growth on the attainment of social and economic objectives. [27] Studies at that time point out that free exercise of fertility decisions of couples is not consistent with the common good, government therefore saw the need to intervene in fertility decisions as a matter of policy family planning was deemed the necessary intervention. [28] The Catholic Church would have been outraged at that time, but policy statements during that period reassured the Church that whatever population program would be adopted, government would see to it that the religious beliefs and values of individuals would be respected. [29] The Catholic Church was apparently lulled into a false sense of security, trusting government to keep its word only to find out that it has been working to legalize contraceptive sterilization, which the Church was strongly opposed to. In a 1973 pastoral letter, the Church allayed fears that the government is following the patterns of adoption of artificial contraceptive methods from less radical methods to more radical sterilization and even abortion. [30] Marcos, in the early years of his dictatorship embarked on massive infrastructure and development programs; that period also saw rapid industrialization and urbanization. Because of this and because of concerns that high population growth rate would undermine the governments economic development efforts; population control policies; as evidenced by various studies, policies, decrees and executive orders at that time; became a major area of concern. Testament to this was the fact that the role of the government in population would even be enshrined in the 1973 Constitution. It shall be the responsibility of the State to achieve and maintain population levels conducive to the national welfare. (Article XV, Section 10). [31] Looking at the list of population control and family planning policies of the Marcos regime in Herrins paper, [32] I cannot help but notice that at that period, the government was only looking at the negative aspects of population and fertility growths, [33] and consequently was only focused on curbing these unwanted growths to achieve their envisioned positive economic gains. Policies aimed at developing and harnessing positive consequence of population growth (demographic dividend), such as populations positive effect on production, technical progress and innovation [34] were apparently not taken into consideration (at least not in the policy documents highlighted in Herrins work). Had the government considered the positive aspects of population growth back then, who knows what programs and policies might have been instituted and pursued to take advantage of this demographic dividend. Again, I point to how government at that time approached the problem of growing unemployment after the late 70s oil crisis, where the government as a response to the problem decided to pursue overseas migration as a temporary stop-gap measure labor-migration have since become an institution in Philippine society, and is now viewed as probably one of the major sectors that is keeping Philippine economy afloat. [35] Whether population growth decline in the early 80s was due to the governments adoption and implementation of an effective family planning program; or if it was mainly an effect of progress, moving from an agricultural to industrialized modes of production; or of urbanization; or possibly because more women started to enter the workforce, translating into smaller and smaller family size; [36] or whether it is an effect of all these factors working in unison, I have yet to see a study on. But assuming that the decline did results from a conglomeration of these factors, it would be safe to say that the governments policy responses to the problem of growing population and fertility rates were effective and timely. But now, we can only speculate what the effects of those programs would have been to Philippine society and economy had those population control policies not been discontinued. In 1986, Ferdinand Marcos was ousted through the EDSA People Power Revolution (a movement which I pointed out earlier as having the backing of the Catholic Church), and since that time, the countrys population control program went to a screeching halt. A year after Marcos was ousted, the provision on governments role in population control in the 1973 Philippine Constitution was scrapped, and the Constitution (1987 Constitution) that replaced it now carries the Catholic Churchs pro-life, pro-choice position. [37] Herrin emphasized this fact when he stated that while there was a strong fertility reduction objective during the Marcos era, there was none during the Aquino administration (emphasis added). [38] Family planning, from being seen as an effective means to reduce fertility and population growth became a mere health intervention, one with possible fertility consequences. The administrations after that tried to come up with proposals to curb population growth and high fertility rates but they have always encountered stiff opposition from the Church and from pro-life organizations. [39] The Fidel Ramos administration tried to revive fertility reduction policies through the family planning program by incorporating it under the umbrella of Reproductive Health [40] under the Department of Health. Despite scrutiny by the Catholic Church, it was able to progress, until its main proponent, charismatic Health Secretary Juan Flavier, won a seat in the Philippine senate. Then President Joseph Estrada also called for an aggressive family planning program to reduce fertility in its PPMP Directional Plan 2001-2004 [41] , but this program never saw fruition, as Estrada was ousted in another Catholic Church-backed People Power Revolution. Finally, we have the current administrations, policy statement (or non-statement) on family planning [42] and Herrin tells us that in essence it says that family planning is primarily a health intervention and as a means to help couples achieve their fertility preference, a statement that does not imply a goal of reducing fertility and population growth rates. [43] The current proposed bills from the Senate and the House of Representatives seem to show promise but these bills are currently being opposed by the Catholic Church and Church-backed pro-life and pro-choice groups. [44] Government if it has the will, can always implement population control or population management policies if it wanted to (even with Church opposition as evidenced with the Flavier program), but there is also this problem of the length of time leaders stay in office, and since the department heads are coterminous with the President that appointed them, family planning and population control policies tend to have short life spans as well there just doesnt seem to be any way to achieve a continuous program for population control in the Philippines. Currently, the countrys population growth rate [45] and fertility rate [46] are declining despite the lack of a solid government family planning or population control program. [47] This decline could primarily be a direct result of the factors outlined by Debraj Ray in his book: [48] urbanization [49] , the rise in share of womens share in the labor force [50] and information being more and more accessible to people even in the rural areas through media, [51] through formal education channels and through NGOs who are working to uplift the lives of people in the countryside. But policy makers in the country still insist on the adoption of a comprehensive population control and management program that would further reduce these rates to levels that are at least similar to those of the Philippines Asian neighbors; levels that they believe would be more conducive to the attainment of the countrys MDGs. [52] I argue that though legislation may indeed contribute a whole lot as far as institution of radical measures to meet the desired levels of fertility and population growth, the mechanism to institute such change even without legislation is already in existence and simply needs to be tapped. I believe that the key to this problem lies in making the necessary information [53] available to society in order to effect the necessary changes. Herrin and Pernia for example point us to problems that had to do with misconceptions about contraceptives that are available to the public. Such mis-information includes supposed side effects and other health-related issues that artificial contraceptives might have [54] . Sex education is also one aspect of family planning and population control that doesnt need to wait for passing of the current legislation on debate to be implemented and is one area where the Catholic Church is not opposed to. [55] The effective utilization of natural birth control methods only require information dissemination [56] in order to be practiced by the families that need them to abate unwanted fertility or to achieve their desired family size. A society that is more informed about current and future economic prospects; a society that is informed about the various choices and options they have as far as security in old age welfare, job opportunities and health care would intuitively make more rational decisions as far as fertility is concerned. But I also believe that people tend to be irrational as well, and a lot of that irrationality has something to do with culture, values and beliefs that are deeply ingrained in them again, to change that, information would be the key. [57] Medias Overlooked Role in Population Control I want to stress the need to take into consideration the role of information here, as I believe that this is an area that has not been given proper attention in all these debates regarding population control and family planning issues. It may be true that the Catholic Church have some moral sway as far as decisions in forming a family are concerned. The National government believes that to be able to effectively implement population control programs, it needs legislation that would effectively render Catholic Church opposition to contraception and population control moot and academic, but I believe that this not be the case. Through all these, the national government has failed to consider one institution that might be as powerful (or even more powerful) as the Catholic Church in shaping individual decisions that has to do with fertility and size of family mass media. This neglect could be because of the national governments limited perception of media and its possible roles in the implementation of population control programs. Yes, the media has been used before. The Marcos government has used print, radio and television to advance their population control campaign [58] , so did former Health Secretary Juan Flavier, all of whom claim to have had positive results. [59] But the thing is that these campaigns blatantly urged families to advocate not just the natural family planning methods but the artificial methods as well, which did not sit well with the Catholic Church. Advertising campaigns also require funding as they need to buy much needed airtime (in the
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Histoy of Blackbeard the Pirate Essay -- essays research papers
Throughout history pirates have terrorized the world’s seas. There are few men that have been feared as much as pirates were. Names such as pirate, buccaneer, and privateer were given to these men and women that terrorized the seas. Black Sam Bellamy, Bartholomew Roberts, Jean Lafitte, Stede Bonnet, and Ann Bonny are some of the most feared names know to man. These were the names of pirates that dominated the seas during the 1600’s and 1700’s, a time known as the â€Å"Golden Age of Piracy.†However, one of the greatest pirates of all time was the great Edward Teach, alias Blackbeard. He terrorized the seas for most of his gruesome life during this era. The â€Å"Golden Age of Piracy†marked a time when sea travel was unsafe for everyone, with Blackbeard being one of the lead factors.      The history of piracy dates back more than 3000 years. â€Å"It appears that the word pirate (peirato) was first used in about 140 BC by the Roman historian Polybius. The Greek historian Plutarch, writing in about 100 A.D., gave the oldest clear definition of piracy. He described pirates as those who attack without legal authority not only ships, but also maritime cities (†The most common meaning of the word pirate recognizes them as an outlaw and a thief. Anyone who was caught and tried with the act of piracy would be sentenced to death.      Most people are familiar with the words pirate, privateer, and buccaneer. These words are all names given to groups of pirates. They were all essentially the same thing, with slight differences. In one case, however, you could be considered a legal pirate. These men were called privateers. â€Å"A privateer was a pirate who by commission or letter of marque from the government was authorized to seize or destroy a merchant vessel of another nation (†Many kings hired privateers to help weaken their enemies. Privateers would sail the seas and loot and pillage ships in the name of their country. They tended to stay as far from the coast as possible to avoid any navy that might be about. Privateers with a letter of marque were considered legal by international law and they were not supposed to be charged with the act of piracy. However, more often that not, if the enemy managed to seize a privateer, they would oft... ...rd’s corpse, there were no fewer than 25 wounds, 5 being from pistol shots. Blackbeard truly was a giant of a man, and it took a whole army of men to finally bring him down. Maynard beheaded the corpse of Blackbeard and hung the head from his ships bowsprit as he sailed home victorious. â€Å"The mutilated body of the pirate was thrown overboard in Ocracoke where he fell. Legend has it that the headless corpse saw around the sloop several times in defiance before it sank form sight†(Botting, Douglas – The Pirates).      Blackbeard’s death virtually marked the end of the â€Å"Golden Age of Piracy.†The â€Å"Golden Age of Piracy†only lasted about 30 years, but they may have been the most feared 30 years our world has experienced. No man was safe at sea with the dreaded pirates about. After Blackbeard’s death, no other pirate would be as great as he. Blackbeard may not have been the most successful or richest pirate of all time, but he is one of the most popular and recognized pirates of all time. Many tales are told of his battles at sea and of his pirate way of life. Blackbeard has, and will continue to go down in history, as one of the greatest pirates of all time.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Organ Transplantation and Ethical Considerations Essay -- Medicine Med
Organ Transplantation and Ethical Considerations In February 2003, 17-year-old Jesica Santillan received a heart-lung transplant at Duke University Hospital that went badly awry because, by mistake, doctors used donor organs from a patient with a different blood type. The botched operation and subsequent unsuccessful retransplant opened a discussion in the media, in internet chat rooms, and in ethicists' circles regarding how we, in the United States, allocate the scarce commodity of organs for transplant. How do we go about allocating a future for people who will die without a transplant? How do we go about denying it? When so many are waiting for their shot at a life worth living, is it fair to grant multiple organs or multiple transplants to a person whose chance for survival is slim to none? And though we, as compassionate human beings, want to help everyone, how far should our benevolence extend beyond our borders? Are we responsible for seeing that the needy who come to America for help receive their chance, or are we morally responsible to our own citizens only? Rationing scarce resources presents an ethical challenge. I believe that since available organs are so scarce, it is imperative that the utility of donated organs be maximized. In this paper, I suggest that organ allocation be rooted in distributive justice, which demands that equals be treated equally and unequals be treated unequally. I will explore this formal principle and the substantive criteria of equality, need and efficacy (maximum survivability) as they relate to the just allocation of organs for transplant. I will apply these principles of justice to JÃ ©sica's case to show that while her first transplant was warranted, her second was not. And, fin... ...ut Transplant Error," Kher, Unmesh and Paul Cuadros, "A Miracle Denied," Time Magazine, (March 3, 2003): 61. Kirkpatrick, C.D. and Jim Shamp, "Was Second Transplant a Waste of Organs?" (Herald-Sun, 3/2/03), Munson, Ronald, Intervention and Reflection, 6 ed (Belmont: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2000). Ubel, Peter A. Robert M. Arnold and Arthur L. Caplan, "Rationing Failure: The Ethical Lessons Of the Retransplantation of Scarce Vital Organs," reprinted in Arthur L. Caplan and Daniel H. Coelho, The Ethics of Organ Transplants, (Amhurst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1998), 260-73. Veatch, Robert M., Transplantation Ethics, (Washington, DC: Georgetown UP, 2000), 277-413. Vedantam, Shankar, "U.S. Citizens Get More Organs Than They Give," (Washington Post, 3/3/03),
Capital Punishment Essay -- social issues
Capital Punishment Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of the death penalty, and since ancient times, it has been used to punish a large variety of offenses. The penalty of death is reserved for the most serious and detested crimes. The legal system must sentence the death penalty to capital crime offenders. Criminals convicted of murder or rape need to be executed because they are dangerous to the world and the human race. However, America seems to to always want to put people in prison for life, but how is that fair to the criminals who did not commit such a horrible crime, but still gets the same punishment? The death penalty should be used more often, but is the death penalty the answer to crime? The death penalty is not the perfect answer to crime. Criminals should often be put to death; but this supposes a frequency of crimes, and from hence the punishment will cease to have its effect, so that it must be useful and useless at the same time (Black 74). So in other words, in all states whe re death is used as a punishment, every example supposes a new crime committed. To back these statements, facts show that since the reinstatement of capital punishment there has been over 255 executions with Texas at the top with 84 and Florida with 33 (Bender, Leone 103). Another statistic shows that more murders take place in states that use capital punishment. The common-sense argument that death is the best deterrent of crime rests on the belief that people fear death mo... Capital Punishment Essay -- social issues Capital Punishment Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of the death penalty, and since ancient times, it has been used to punish a large variety of offenses. The penalty of death is reserved for the most serious and detested crimes. The legal system must sentence the death penalty to capital crime offenders. Criminals convicted of murder or rape need to be executed because they are dangerous to the world and the human race. However, America seems to to always want to put people in prison for life, but how is that fair to the criminals who did not commit such a horrible crime, but still gets the same punishment? The death penalty should be used more often, but is the death penalty the answer to crime? The death penalty is not the perfect answer to crime. Criminals should often be put to death; but this supposes a frequency of crimes, and from hence the punishment will cease to have its effect, so that it must be useful and useless at the same time (Black 74). So in other words, in all states whe re death is used as a punishment, every example supposes a new crime committed. To back these statements, facts show that since the reinstatement of capital punishment there has been over 255 executions with Texas at the top with 84 and Florida with 33 (Bender, Leone 103). Another statistic shows that more murders take place in states that use capital punishment. The common-sense argument that death is the best deterrent of crime rests on the belief that people fear death mo...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Sample Market Analysis
Sample Market Analysis Market Analysis Customers Family Farmers Choice has developed a database of present customer who buy on a regular basis and customers who have bought only occasionally as the opportunity presents itself, such as at farmers markets. Customer demographics show the current customers are in an income range of $45,000 or more, two income families, professional occupations, concerned about the environment and located primarily in urban areas. Research also shows these customers are Internet users and willing to order product from our business via the Internet.Research conducted by Farmers Choice has verified that there is a market segment large enough to justify the investment in the processing facility. Further, the premium these consumers are willing to pay will allow the shipment of products to nearly all geographic locations in the country. Focus groups, market surveys and product demonstrations at several locations were used to develop demographic profiles of ea ch promising location so that zip codes could be used to easily identify future markets when expansion is deemed appropriate. (Note: Results of the surveys can be provided if additional information is desired. A significant number of consumers are concerned about where their meat products are coming from and how these products are processed. The company will market directly to that group. Since they are highly informed consumers, however, a major task will be to establish credibility. In the farmers markets targeted for sales there are an estimated 100,000 potential customers (based on census estimates). At present, Farmers Choice has reached only a fraction of that customer base. Based on data in the U. S. Census Bureau databases, estimated customer potential is as follows: Big Town Farmers Market |55,000 | |Lotus |10,000 | |Keeper |10,000 | |Sagmore |15,000 | |Cool Springs |5,000 | Market Size and Trends 99718. 2 billion pounds of pork produced 199819. 0 billion pounds of pork produced 199919. 4 billion pounds of pork produced Source: Steve Meier, National Pork Producers Council. 1999 figures based on USDA estimate. Average prices received by the producer have decreased in recent years: 1997$52. 90 per hundred weight 1998$34. 40 per hundred weight U. S. per capita consumption of pork is declining: 198057. 3 pounds per person 199649. 1 pounds per person In spite of declining per capita consumption of pork, consumers still spend more money on pork per year than on poultry and fish.Average annual expenditures for pork in 1998 were $146 per person per year, second only to beef at $218. The expenditures for all meat (beef, pork, poultry and fish) decreased slightly from the 1997 annual expenditures. (Source: Consumer Expenditures Survey, 1984-98, U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics) According to USDA data, higher expenditures for pork versus poultry may have been due to retail prices. For example, in June 1998, the average retail price for po rk was $2. 29 per pound, compared to chicken at $1. 55 per pound.Consumer Perceptions of Pork According to a survey conducted by the National Pork Producers Council, more than three out of four family cooks believe pork is a healthful choice. The same study indicated families prefer pork because it tastes good. Survey respondents also cited pork’s versatility, nutrition and value as key reasons for its popularity. Ranking of the favorite cuts: 1. Chops 2. Tenderloins 3. Roasts 4. Ribs Pork producers work hard to deliver the product that the consumer wants. Consumers wanted leaner pork and they got it!Compared to 1983, pork of 2000 has about 31 percent less fat content. General Trends in Meat Consumption There are a number of new and emerging trends in meat marketing which are relevant to the interest of this feasibility study. In general there are three consumer preferences today which are driving major changes in the meat industry. †¢ Consumers are demanding meats that require little preparation time. Population and labor trends are driving this preference. An unprecedented number of women are in the workforce today.There is an increasing number of single adult households in the U. S. ; of those, the number of single parent, female-headed households is increasing, resulting in more than ever limited time for meal preparation within U. S. households. A Yankelovich poll (reported by the American Meat Institute) claims that half of all Americans spend less than 45 minutes cooking an evening meal compared to the two-hour meal preparation typical in American households 30 years ago. People have a limited amount of time and don’t want to spend it cooking.Add to this the fact that at 4 p. m. , 60 percent of Americans do not know what they will eat for dinner. The implications are that the meat marketing industry has a whole new challenge for capturing palates and dollars. †¢ Consumers have little knowledge of and skills for cooking. Studies r eport that many consumers feel that their knowledge of cooking and skills for meal preparation are more limited than those of their parents and grandparents. Furthermore, the American Meat Institute reports that many American consumers find meat preparation to be challenging.Implications for meat marketing are that meats are becoming increasingly available as meal-ready or with minimal preparation. †¢ Consumers are concerned about health and nutrition when buying meat. The Food Marketing Institute claims that nearly 80 percent of Americans want to eat food they perceive to be extremely healthy and that 42 percent are willing to pay more for low-fat versions of commonly consumed products. In the lunch meat and hot dog markets, a record 50 percent of the products offered are items with reduced or low fat. Consumers are demanding changes from the meat industry and the industry is responding. Numerous options and innovations can be observed at all levels in production, processing a nd packaging. The retail point of sale is taking on a new look. Emerging Trends in Meat Marketing Case-Ready Meat: These are value added fresh meat products that the supermarket purchases in precut packages. Due to new packaging technologies, precut, tray-ready packages tend to offer a longer shelf life than conventional products.Often hermetically sealed, they offer customers trimmed, individually wrapped, consistent portions. Case-ready meats eliminate extra steps in handling for retailers and consumers alike. Consumer-Ready Products: These products go a step beyond the case-ready meat products by including preparation tips, cooking instructions, spices, or seasoning packets. Portions are indicated on the package. Consumer-ready products include items such as marinated meats, stuffed chops, kabobs and seasoned steaks and roast which are ready to take home and pop into the oven, microwave or place on the grill.Home Meal Replacement: These are fully prepared products which free the consumer from all responsibility of meal preparation. They often come packed and portioned as entrees with options to purchase complementary side dishes or extras. Also known as TOTE (Take Out To Eat), these dinners in a bag are the way in which supermarkets and grocery stores are competing with restaurants to gain business from Americans who choose not to prepare their own meals. The market analysis shows a broad range of prospective clients.The green labeled, eco-labeled, naturally labeled, food industry is in a boom period. While there are a growing number of items from a growing number of vendors becoming available, Family Farmers Choice is approaching the market as a multi-choice provider of products with a face. The owner/members of Family Farmers Choice have spent 10 years carefully laying the groundwork and learning the methods for success. The value-added cooperative is now poised to make the most of established connections with consumers and other marketers of natural item s handcrafted on family farms.Family Farmers Choice is set to offer food, fiber and manufactured products that nourish, provide comfort or address a desired taste or want. The members of Family Farmers Choice have proven an ability to adjust their product lines while also displaying a tenacious desire to provide whatever level of sweat equity is required to preserve their independent ways of life as family farmers. The owners/members have also provided 50 percent of the equity requirements per early feasibility estimates. The food-with-a-face concept of marketing is still relatively new and enjoys some sense of novelty in the marketplace.The genuine authenticity that can be verified by Family Farmers Choice is not yet common in the commercial consumer marketplace, which gives the Family Farmers group a leg up on the competition. The industry of specialized foods and handmade, one-of-a-kind products is on a steady upward growth curve; and Family Farmers Choice is poised to capitalize on the consumer’s desire for these items. While a bouncing economy can affect many areas, specialty food items and unique crafted goods are generally less affected than the main, with unique items typically finding favor in the marketplace.The following article, reprinted, provides a degree of verification. Farmers Rated Best in Ensuring Food Safety Survey Identifies Consumer and Editor Opinions about Food Issues DES MOINES, Iowa Tuesday, September 29, 1998 Food safety has surpassed issues such as crime prevention, health and nutrition, environmental protection, water quality and recycling as the most important public issue facing consumers. However, consumers give farmers high marks for their efforts to assure a safe food supply, a survey by the International Food Safety Council, a restaurant and foodservice industry coalition, shows.Fifty-nine percent of consumers surveyed said farmers are doing an excellent job to ensure a safe food supply. Supermarkets ca me in a close second at 57 percent, followed by food processors (44 percent), restaurants (42 percent), consumers (38 percent), government agencies (34 percent), and meat/poultry packers (29 percent). â€Å"The survey clearly shows that consumers hold farmers in high regard for their efforts to produce safe and wholesome products,†said Bill Brewer, public relations counsel for the Food Practice Group. â€Å"This offers an opportunity for the agricultural community†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 998 Food Issues Survey News Release Presented in association with the International Food Safety Council, a restaurant and foodservice industry coalition. [pic] The following tables show the pricing strategy that Farmers Choice will use for their products: [pic] Potential Markets [pic] Product Distribution and Sales Meat products are sold in a variety of ways somewhat dependent on fresh or frozen and size of package. At present, ethnic markets and specialty markets are underserved. A survey of the pho ne company’s yellow pages showed only two markets selling to ethnic groups in our proposed trade area.Regardless of whether the market is a niche or traditional market, the meat sales are still handled in the same manner. Types of sales include: †¢ Over the counter in locker plants or meat shops †¢ By mail order †¢ Via Internet †¢ Door-to-door sales and delivery †¢ Grocery stores †¢ Institutional food vendors †¢ Specialty marketing †¢ Prepared food sales Farmers Choice will not have any unique food sales methods. Rather, the company will sell via specialty markets, such as farmers markets, as frozen foods, shipping product sold via Internet or phone orders and over the counter at the processing facility.For a small company, Farmers Choice will cover as many marketing avenues as time and resources permit. Estimated Market Share and Sales The potential sales volume for the projected sales area is $10 million. This is Web sites and Iowa St ate University Extension estimates, which combine population numbers and consumption numbers. With a projected sales volume of $500,000, Farmers Choice will not have a large market share. Competition Competition is formidable. The competitors have more buying power, more clout in the marketplace and more financial resources to cut deals with suppliers.Farmers Choice has no illusions of coming into the market place and easily capturing sales. It will need to work hard to gain and keep sales. Customers have well established buying habits for meat products coupled with established preferences for products, packing and freshness. Competition is in the form of three main categories: 1. Large chain grocery stores for retail customers. 2. Small independent locker plants with retail counters. 3. Meat brokers and institutional food sales groups selling to restaurants. The main competition will be pork products marketed in the traditional manner, i. e. as a commodity. Typically, the consumer does not know where the product comes from and where and how it was processed. Family Farmers plans to differentiate its products from commodity meats in the following manner: †¢ Preserve the identity of products from the hog raiser to the consumer, whether the product is sold in meat markets, grocery stores, restaurants or delicatessens. †¢ Hogs will be raised in open pastures on a rotation basis, as opposed to highly dense confinement buildings, thus minimizing the investment required and eliminating waste disposal and related environmental problems.Studies have shown that hogs raised in this manner have fewer health problems, thus reducing the need for medicines of various types, further reducing production costs. †¢ Establish that the brand â€Å"Family Farmers Choice†offers products that are safe and are of consistent high quality, thereby deserving of a premium price. Who are our competitors? We do not know the annual meat sales volume of our competitors or their market shares. Such figures, if published, were not available for this study.Farmers Choice prices will be competitive and, in some cases, higher than competing pork products found through other distribution channels. The higher cost, about 5 cents per pound higher on average, will result from the key differences of Farmers Choice product versus competitors’. Again, the sales history indicates consumers are willing to pay a very slight premium to get product that meets their criteria. Some key differences of our product include: †¢ It is a natural product, free of hormones. †¢ It is provided by farmers known to the consumer, as in â€Å"food with a face. †¢ Quality is assured as all hogs are raised to an audited quality system. †¢ No quality problems will come from processing due to our small facility and worker responsibility for quality. †¢ Doorstep delivery is available where possible. †¢ Customers can visit the factory where the fo od is made. Competitive Advantage and Analysis The following table outlines how Farmers Choice compares to the competition in terms of product and other factors, including strengths and weaknesses. The analysis is of Farmers Choice against the competition by major groups.While there may be key differences against individual stores or businesses, these do not exist in large enough quantity to affect sales or strategy of Farmers Choice. [pic] Following is an analysis of Farmers Choice strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats: SWOT Analysis (Strengths and Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) [pic] What Does the Coop Have to Sell? Carcass Breakdown(Pork) Typical Market Pig Live weight (pounds)250 Carcass weight (pounds)184 Backfat 10th rib (inches)0. 9 Loin-eye area (square inches)5. 2 Fat-free lean index (percentage)48. 0 Pounds of lean meat88. 6 [pic] [pic]
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