Thursday, January 30, 2020
How to Succeed in College Essay Example for Free
How to Succeed in College Essay For most, the collegiate experience represents a major cornerstone in life. Attending college can provide identity, give direction and fortify the foundation of its students. Success in college means always demonstrating responsible decision making. Attendance policies and rules of participation may not appear to be significant, but they can move a student to the right or to the left in the grading scale. It is also crucial to adhere to rigid standards that command accountability. Some Professors are adamant about participation and class involvement. Academia mandates setting goals and becoming objective. You will discover that these habits, when applied, enhance the window of opportunity for success to enter. Confidence is an essential part of being a successful college student. Likewise, a student that lacks this sort of discipline, readiness and mental strength will most likely be lackadaisical and less likely to thrive in college. The first key to succeeding in college is attendance. Being present and on time ensures that pertinent knowledge is ascertained. Most of all, showing up on time for every class allows the individual to develop positive attendance habits that are just as important in the job market. These habits reflect a sense of dependability to professors and employers alike. A student simply cannot gain information from a lecture if they are not present. Nonetheless, being present is only half of the equation. The next step is class participation. Professors want to see that their students can apply what is being taught to them. This element may stimulate debate, or even trigger thorough research on something in particular. At the college level, participation and attentiveness really exercise the mind. Consequently, when students work in groups, are involved in research and share opinions they are able to hone their communication skills. Subsequently, it is critical for any college student to set goals and concise objectives for accomplishing them. Individuals with something to work toward are most likely to thrive in any c ollege or university. Goals provide the determination to fuel students through adversity; school related or not. Objectives should be well-defined. They are actually small steps indicative of levels of accomplishment and success. For college students, enormous goals are not far-fetched, nor do they seem impossible to reach when clear objectives exist. Students who regularly set goals and objectives possess more ambition and drive than those who do not. Goal-oriented people have a more resilient work ethic due to the fact that they can see the progression of their hard work when they arrive at specific objectives. This hard work creates a sense of gratitude and individual accomplishment. Ultimately, college students must be prepared mentally and harbor a positive attitude. Self-confidence must be present if anyone is to endure the investment and sacrifice that pave the way to becoming a college graduate. A confident student is one that can evade social distractions and work through personal adversity to get to the finish line. Successful college students and college graduates are mentally poised. This frame of mind beckons the hard-working college student to accept challenges, explore new modes of learning and to appreciate their individuality. A confident mind is a mind for success. The rigors of college can, at times, seem overwhelming. With so much information to process, students are bound to enter their respective careers with a solid grasp on what they are doing. Success in college is contingent almost completely on attitude and fortitude. The college freshman will discover that the road ahead is bumpy, demanding and can be painstaking. The graduating senior will be indebted forever for the journey. The investment is precious; the success affiliated with reaching the destination is boundless.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
It’s a Hard Knock Life for Them Essay -- Literary Analysis
In both Katherine Porter’s â€Å"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall†and Eudora Welty’s â€Å"Why I Live in the P.O.†, the main characters deal with family members they frankly do not like. Due to both of their being jilted by men, they are full of resentment and anger causing these women to leave their families on bad terms. Porter and Welty are presenting through the character’s flashbacks and memories that we should pick our battles wisely when it comes to our families because one day they will be gone and, some of us might miss our deceased loved ones, like Granny from â€Å"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall†, or be filled with a hatred towards them, like Sister from â€Å"Why I Live in the P.O.†. Porter and Welty both provide flashbacks and memories in their stories to help the reader see what Granny and Sister’s lives were like before everything fell apart with their families. Porter’s â€Å"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall†is packed of the flashbacks and memories of Granny’s past relationships with the only people she loves even though are all dead. She reminisced about her youthful days when she was strong, independent, and with John, the man who stood her up at the altar and died when Granny was young. She still loves him and wants to see him, but â€Å"John would be looking for a young woman with the peaked Spanish comb in her hair and the painted fan,†(Porter 81) she believed he would not recognize her. Granny also lost one of her daughters, Hapsy along with her newborn who also died. When Granny brought those memories to the surface a fog of darkness, clouds reality and she gets lost and recalls that, â€Å"there was the day, the d ay, but a whirl of dark smoke rose and covered it, crept up and over into the bright field where everything was planted so c... be pertinacious like Sister. The flashbacks allow the reader to go back with the characters and see what we missed out on, example; Granny’s happier days, when she had her man and she was strong and young, or Sister’s happier days when she also had her man and was treated respectably by certain members of her family. Furthermore, I believe the point both authors proposed was this, â€Å"Choose battles wisely and forgive or, forever suffer continuous loss.†Works Cited Porter, Katherine. â€Å"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall.†Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 11th ed. New York: Longman, 2010. 79-86. Print. Welty, Eudora. â€Å"Why I Live at the P.O.†Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 11th ed. New York: Longman, 2010. 42-50. Print.
Monday, January 13, 2020
My Hobbies
My Hobbies In my life I had a lot of things to do and enjoy. According to my life besides the ordinary tasks that anyone does, I have several pastimes. Among these one is swimming, watching movies with my parents and play baseball. Swimming i use it to keep my body in good condition and get muscular endurance. the hobby of watching movies with my parents is fun and we talked and shared the evening opining about the best movie we saw.Baseball is a pastime that was implemented since my fourth years old by my dad and i never stopped practicing. My favorite pastime is the baseball, because I can show my talent playing this sport. The baseball is a sport that depends about ability and mind control. Anyone can have the tools to be the best players of ever, but If the person doesn’t have mind or self-control any couldn’t try to play this sport. The baseball have a roll in my life and that role represent my respect on the field.The respect that I purpose being a great catcher; everybody knows when I’m in there I the back of the homeplate doing my work, the work than anyone can’t do better than me, protect and command my team. Im my life this activity is so important, because my position in the game describe my self equal than me in the outside. Each people determine his position by his ability, but the catcher position that if you want to play it, any might to be a lider just only to could try it.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Bivalves, the Twin-Shelled Mollusks
Bivalves are a group of mollusks that includes clams, scallops, oysters, mussels, razor shells, cockles, venus shells, borers, trough shells and many others (some of which live in the deep sea and have yet to be identified). Bivalves are the second most diverse group of mollusks, ranking only behind gastropods in number of species. Bivalves are so named for their paired shells. The shells of a bivalve consists of two halves, mirror images of one another, that are joined at one edge by a flexible hinge. Each half is asymmetrical and rounded, so that when its closed against its opposite number, this forms a domed space near the hinged edge of the shell that accommodates the bulk of the bivalves body and narrows towards the edge of the shell that opens. (Bear in mind that although most bivalves have paired shells, a few species either have drastically reduced shells or no shells at all.) Bivalves live in marine and freshwater habitats; the most diverse, consisting of 80 percent of all species, live in ocean habitats. These invertebrates have four different lifestyles: epifaunal, infaunal, boring and free-moving. Epifaunal bivalves attach themselves to hard surfaces and remain in the same spot for their entire lives. Epifaunal bivalves, such as oysters, adhere to surfaces using either cementation or byssal threads (sticky chitinous threads secreted by a gland in the foot). Infaunal bivalves bury themselves in sand or sediment on the seafloor or in riverbeds; they have thin, soft shells armed with hard tips, and they bore into solid surfaces such as wood or rock. Free-moving bivalves, such as scallops, use their muscular single feet to dig into sand and soft sediments; they can also move through the water by opening and closing their valves. Most bivalves have a pair of large gills located in their mantle cavity. These gills enable the bivalves both to extract oxygen from the water (in order to breathe) and to capture food; water rich in oxygen and microorganisms is drawn into the mantle cavity and washes through the gills. In species that burrow, a long siphon extends to the surface to take in water; mucus on the gills helps capture food and cilia transfer the food particles to the mouth. Bivalves have mouths, hearts, intestine, gills, stomachs and siphons, but do not have heads, radulae or jaws. These mollusks possess abductor muscles that, when contracted, hold the two halves of their shells closed. Bivalves are also equipped with a muscular foot, which in many species, such as clams, is used to anchor their bodies to the substrate or to dig down into the sand. The bivalve fossils date back to the Early Cambrian period. During the ensuing Ordovician, bivalves diversified in terms of both number of species and the variety of ecological niches occupied. Species Diversity Approximately 9,200 species Classification Bivalves are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Invertebrates Mollusks Bivalves Bivalves are divided into the following taxonomic groups: ProtobranchiaPteriomorpha - This group includes animals such as scallops, oysters, pearl oysters, mussels, arcs and various other familiesAnomalodesmataRostroconchiaHeterodontaPalaeoheterodonta Edited on February 10, 2017 by Bob Strauss
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