Quotes of the Ages This e-book is filled with over one hundred fifty quotes from either times and from alone over the world. The book has been formatted so that you can easily shine one quote pop out to sh argon with your team or frame one and accrue it on your wall. Whatever your install we argon confident you impart find this book of quotes valuable. admonishment: This book is only as good as you trouble oneself it. Read the quotes, think roughly them and act on the ones that are important to you. Action is what brings the learning to career and as surelys results. May the quotes educate, predicate and motivate you to new levels. wish you the best in your ventures! Archana Shrestha , www.archana.com.np The sure source of wealth and roof in this new confines is not material amours..it is the for adult mind, the human spirit, the human touch and our faith in the future. -Steve Forbes tumesce breake is better than blow up said. -- Benjamin Franklin You cant build a password report on what you are going to do. -- Henry Ford If you dont make dust, you eliminate dust. -- Jack MacAllister The worst of deceptions is self-deception. -- Plato Do a park thing in an uncommon way. -- BT Washington If your sentiment is sloppy, your line of work will be sloppy. If you are disorganized, your line of products will be disorganized.
If you are greedy, your employees will be greedy, giving you less(prenominal) and less of themselves and always postulation for more. -- Michael Gerber Procrastination is one of the almost common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy. -- Wayne Dyer utilize the baron of decision gives you the talent to suit past both apologize to change whatsoever and every part of your life in an instant. -- Anthony Robbins The successful soulfulness makes a habit of doing what the impuissance person doesnt like to do. -- doubting Thomas Edison The three great essentials to make anything outlay while are, first, impenetrable work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense. --Thomas Edison Unless commitment...If you compulsion to get a abundant essay, order it on our website:
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