Saturday, August 31, 2019
Fast Food in the Cafeteria Essay
Many people think that fast food is bad for our health and that it shouldn’t be allowed in school. More healthful options should be promoted but what’s the use of healthy food in school if the kids don’t want to eat it? Nobody least of all adults LIKE eating healthy if given a choice everyone always goes for the fast food. When we eat lunch at school we get the bad end of the stick. they feed us cardboard pizza, meat that isn’t even meat and has been washed in ammonia to kill bacteria, we get fries that aren’t fries, slimy ravioli, and lunch that generally looks unappetizing and tastes little better than that. the dilemma is should schools offer fast food such as KFC, Taco Bell or McDonalds? I say yes. Based on 2009 US Industry report, there were 303,989 fast food locations in the US alone. â€Å"Fast food was the main food source for up to 38% of children†stated researcher Shanthy Bowman, PhD, with the U. S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville, Maryland. She also demonstrated that when kids eat fast food, they eat more food all day long and over one year time period, a child can pack on 6 extra pounds because of high fast food eating. The result of overeating is a nation that is becoming obese and overweight. The result of obesity? More illness and soaring healthcare problems. When we say fast food, we are thinking ‘junk food’ yum†¦ (insert drool here). Fast food has become one and the same from hamburgers to pizzas, to French fries, hot dogs and more. Fast food has high calories, fats, saturated fats, sugar and salt content. The fats, sugar, and salt in fast food draw us kids like a magnet and because fast food doesn’t contain much fiber we don’t feel full afterward so we tend to eat more later on. Compared with kids didn’t eat fast food, fast food eaters ate an average of 187 more calories a day. At that rate, â€Å"the child would gain 6 extra pounds each year, if they didn’t get enough exercise to burn it off†, wrote PhD Bowman. At the same time, fast food causes a number of health problems in children. The excess of sugar in fast food and sodas lead to diabetes in children; their bodies failing to produce the insulin that controls the sugar levels and metabolism. Fats and saturated fats lead to high levels of cholesterol in the blood, Cholesterol leads to various heart problems, These heart problems increase the risk of major heart diseases such as Coronary Heart Disease. Also the lack of vitamins can make the children become anemic, lethargic and get tired very easily. Deficiency in calcium makes their teeth, nails and bones weak. Many times the added preservatives and coloring agents used in fast food can cause cancer in children. The most common and the core cause of all the diseases in children, is obesity due to fast food. Obese children spend little time doing physical activities or sports, and this lack of activity leads to a sedentary lifestyle, which further on leads to mental stress and other emotional disturbances. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, results from 2007-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed that 17 percent of children and teenagers ages 2-19 years are obese. That means one in 6 children is obese. Are you tired of eating nasty, dried, greasy, overcooked, overpriced cafeteria food? I know I am. It’s time to make a change. It would be a good idea for a fast food chain to consider opening their newest location in schools because doing so would help students and increase money for the school. â€Å"As they try to keep pace with student taste, lunchrooms across the country have given up meatloaf and mashed potatoes for brand-name fast-food items. †(source B) Bringing in a fast food restaurant as a matter of fact would be good because it would help students. Students would stop skipping lunch a start eating in the cafeteria, Eating lunch is better than not eating. Studies show how test scores improve when students eat. When students like lunch, they’ll eat it! They won’t be tempted to throw it out or give it to another student. In addition to helping students, a fast food restaurant in the cafeteria would benefit the school because first of all, the restaurant would give a percentage of its profits to the school and secondly the restaurant might even participate in the Adopt-a-School program. With more students buying lunch, profits would increase, and if other students hear that that school has fast food in the cafeteria they might be attracted to the school because of the restaurant, increasing profits even more. All this extra money could be used for supplies, computers, or books, all of which would make our educational experience at school much better than it is now. Helping students and schools is something that everyone enjoys doing. Putting a fast food restaurant in place of cafeteria food would do both. Hopefully if we got this restaurant no one would ever think of the food as being nasty, greasy, overcooked or overpriced, everyone would be happy. Cafeterias are a vital part of a student’s high school career. It is a place of social interactions and various degrees of shenanigans, whether it is over breakfast, lunch, or walking to classes with friends. Cafeterias are not just for keeping society’s niches alive, however, as school cafeterias are also used to provide a form of food for the general student body. Cafeteria food has been a theme of debate for years and will remain to be so for years to come. From the bagged-lunch versus the school-prepared dilemma, to the question of what exactly is in the meat-like substances cafeteria food has an air of mystery and intrigue. While there are admittedly many reasons not to consume the cafeteria food, it has a few redeeming qualities about it. Food provided through the public education system can sometimes have a less-than-savory flavoring when first chewed over, but soon becomes edible when the taste is acquired. Cafeteria food may be tasteless and inedible at times, but remember: â€Å"what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. †After four years of consuming the bland entrees, students graduate high school with brand-new taste buds and an aversion to all things flavorful and delicious. If variety is the spice of life, cafeteria food is as spicy as a Flamenco dancer. One never knows what he or she will receive on Wednesdays- pizza, hotdogs, or a creative combination of the two. Not only is the student unsure of exactly where the â€Å"chicken†patties come from, or what they are really made of, but the school lunches provide an array of fruit and salad. Most students have no choice in what they eat for lunch they eat it because they are hungry and have no other option. fast food in the cafeteria though would change that. Students could eat what they liked and even if they paid for it the funds would go to the school and the school could use that money to buy things for the students that would enhance our learning experience. every student would go to lunch and actually eat the food even if they had to pay for it because it’s something they like to eat, not tasteless junk. So overall putting fast food in the cafeteria is a good thing but also a bad thing. It’s a debate that would probably go on forever but nobody would win. decide whether to put it in the cafeteria or not. either way it makes no difference except to our taste buds. BIBLIOGRAPHY Nicole Harms ehow contributor â€Å"obesity & coronary heart disease†Monycutza007 â€Å"Children Adn Fast Food†11/27/10 < http://www. cyberessays. com/Term-Paper-on-Children-Adn-Fast-Food-23508/> Amy Kalafa August 22nd, 2011 â€Å"Whats in Your Childs School Lunch? †â€Å"The unsavory nutrition facts on cafeteria food†google. com fast food in the cafeteria.
Friday, August 30, 2019
What You Pawn I Will Redeem
The first part of this assignment asks us to list three pieces of fiction that you have read. This question is not easy for me being that I haven’t read many books in my lifetime. The only book I have read is the Holy Bible. I have read several books to my children such as The Three Little Pigs, and Little Red Robin and other children nursery rhymes short stories. What I liked about reading the stories to my children was watching and listening to them asks questions about the story and seeing their expression when the big bad wolf tried to blow their houses down. What I like about the Bible is it is full of quotes and stories that give me encouragement when I am going through. I read my Bible when things are not going right in my life and I can find comfort in the scriptures. The books of Psalms are considered songs that can comfort you, and convict you. When I read my bible I feel a connection with God, and this is a wonderful experience. The Bible teaches me how I am to treat my neighbors. It teaches me that if I don’t work then I can’t. It prepares me for Jesus return and if I want to make heaven my eternal home then I have to follow the guidelines that are in the 66 books of the bible. Literature to me is reading different ways that writers put words together and make it into a story, a poem and other reading material. Literature is a source of expression of one’s thoughts that is put onto paper for others to read and gain insight on other people’s thoughts. Literature comes in different forms such as books, and magazines. There are other ways literature can be enjoyed by everybody even if you have a disability such as a blind person can use Braille and listen to a book in audio format. My thoughts on why I think literature is valuable or a waste of time is I have mixed feeling about this. I believe literature is valuable because it helps us to understand the thoughts of others. Literature is valuable in this day and age because if you cannot read or write you will have a hard time finding ways to support yourself and your family. To me it is a waste when your career choice is Medical Coding and Billing, and they give you a literature course that has nothing to do with what you are paying good money to learn your career chose. Part B What are the main points of this piece? They are talking about a homeless man that is dealing with his biological family and the people who live on he street with him that he calls family too. He deals with his being a Native American Indian and being stereotype by others. Even though we as a people stereotype others by how they look, where they live or because they don’t look or do the same as you do, the author wants the people to know all people can be redeemed no matter how low they get in life. What are the images the author co njures for the reader? Some of the images I seen were after fifty years of not knowing who stole their grandmothers regalia and it suddenly appears as Jackson and his friends are on the streets panhandling. Another image was the yellow bead that was sewn somewhere into the regalia. This was a tribal tradition to hide it in the regalia so it wouldn’t be easy to find. What does the grandmother regalia symbolize? The regalia was worn when they participated in the powwow dance, which was a traditional ceremony performed by the Native American Indians. It is a decorative cloth with feathers and beads which are sewn in. It reflects an individual’s life and their circumstances. How does the author use the element of surprise? What You Pawn I Will Redeem English 102 MWF 11-11:50 I really enjoyed the story What You Pawn I will Redeem. It was very well written and kept my attention throughout the story. It is amazing that he walked by a pawnshop and immediately recognized his grandmother’s regalia without ever seeing it other than in pictures. I enjoy reading about Native American cultures and beliefs. There was a lot of humor in this story and Jackson definitely did not take himself too seriously. I think the 1st person narrator was very important in telling this story.I do not feel that Jackson was an unreliable narrator because he seemed to tell it like it is. He had no reason to try to make himself look better. He seems to accept himself for who he is. He is an honest man who seems to be well liked by everybody he deals with on a regular basis, from the cop to the guy with the newspapers. He shows his struggles with alcohol and also his giving nature. All the money he came across he spent not just on himself getting drunk bu t on others as well.I believe that the theme of the story is that no matter where you go in your life you never forget or really give up where you come from. Jackson Jackson has been homeless for six years away from his family in Spokane yet as soon as he saw his grandmother’s regalia in the window he knew it was hers even before they find the yellow bead. It then becomes his mission to gather the money to get it back. The regalia is a piece of him and the life he left behind. Even though he does not come up with the money to buy it back he still ends up with it in the end.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Samurai Warriors Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Samurai Warriors - Research Paper Example It is a common fallacy to think of the Samurai as fierce warriors, since the best of them were great visionaries who pursued spiritual, artistic and cultural endeavors apart from their regular, prescribed duties. The samurai were people of the aristocratic warrior class, but after the 12th century, it referred to all the warriors who gained power in the 12th century and ruled national politics and society up to the Meiji Restoration of 1868. The transformation of the samurai from a purely warrior class began during the Tokugawa period. A very important part of the Samurai life was to engage oneself in literary and artistic pursuits. Some of the finest gardens, buildings, poetry, landscapes, especially the rock gardens, and paintings are the handiwork of the Samurai and the renowned tea ceremony as well as the Kabuki and Noh theaters were part of the Samurai legacy in the Japanese society. It was one of the prescribed routes given to them to reach their full potential and ultimately acquire the Way. The Samurai, in spite of being warriors, had some of the finest qualities to be found in men and writing about them Xavier said that â€Å"among barbarous nations there can be none that has more natural goodness than the Japanese†¦ wonderfully desirous of honor and rank†¦ however poor†¦ receive the same honor from the rest as if they were rich".
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Effective team performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Effective team performance - Essay Example This assignment will help an individual apply accurate concepts learnt about teamwork and involve them in handling various issues that will arise in the field when teamwork will be required. The assignment involves a reflection analysis of experiences received during a team work activity (Christopher, 2001, pp.23-35). Our space ship just crash-landed on the moon and been destroyed leaving us with a few items for use. We are required to locate a mother ship 200 miles away. Among the items left, we are expected to select items that will be of critical importance to us and work together as a team to reach the mother ship. The purpose of this assignment is to give a reflective analysis of how through effective team performance and cooperation we were able to achieve our mission (Hackman, 1987, pp.45-46). Every member of a team needs to understand the prevailing situation and mission of the team. Defining and appreciating the situation will be necessary to determine key areas to be undertaken. Definition of tasks and expectations from every member needs to be analysed before actual allocation of existing tasks to members (World Neighbohs, 2001, pp.22-24). The process of team formation will be analysed using team development model and feelings of the process of team development will be examined. What was experienced when working with team members through allocation of tasks and general agreement will also be identified (Jerald & Robert, 1997, pp.2-16). Teamwork and performance management concepts will be applied to give a detailed understanding of problems experienced during activity process and how they could be avoided. Since it is teamwork then there are certain activities that were done well and they will also be looked into (Steiner, 1972, pp.8-12). Recommendations will be provided on how to act to such activities the other time members of the team finds itself in that
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Anlysis in Biochmeistry Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Anlysis in Biochmeistry - Lab Report Example The risk can be minimsed by using reliable controls for background fluorescence check as is used in the current study. The average percentage inhibition of the cytochrome P450 3A4 by ketaconazole was determined using a fluorescence based enzyme assay. The readings were obtained as per procedure and is recorded and calculated in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. Ketaconazole samples in varying concentrations showed lower fluorescence than the sample without the test compound indicating the inhibitory activity of the drug on the enzyme cytochrome P450. Saple with 10 M concentration showed the least fluorescence and therefore the highest % inhibition of 95.274.7 and even a lower concentration of 0.1 M also shows a percentage inhibition of about 75.616.12. The fluorescence reading shows the inhibition of the enzyme to be directly proportional to the concentration of the test compound ketaconazole. The present study a fluorescence based assay to illustrate and evaluate the interaction of ketaconazole with the liver cytochrome P450 A4 using microsomes prepared from insect cells that express both human P450 isozyme and rabbit NADPH-P450 reductase and a substrate th
Monday, August 26, 2019
Do police crack downs reduce drug related violence Essay
Do police crack downs reduce drug related violence - Essay Example Violence results from individual and group use in drug markets and drug producing areas as the drug gangs strive to maintain and control a share of the lucrative illicit market of drugs is considered as one of the origin of murder cases experienced (Shepherd, 2005).. Cases of individual drug users committing murder is also common like violence resulting from drug induced psychosis. As the authorities strive to curb the problem of drug trade, the rate of violence increase significantly as this increased militarization of the criminal elements and law enforcers means both parties are easily accessed to lethal weaponry as they fight to outdo the other. Recent scientific evidence suggests that the prohibition of drug is the likely contributor of drug market violence and the increased homicide rates (Martin, 2009). Basing on these findings, we might conclude that increasingly sophisticated methods of dealing with drug distribution networks hikes the level of drug-related violence. The removal of the drug loads from the lucrative illegal drug market by law enforcers may have adverse effects as other individuals will strive to fill the vacuum by entering the market. The rise in murder cases might also be attributed to the enormous profits generated from the selling of drugs which is used to destabilize governments and creation of heavily armed rebel groups, for example, the U.N. estimated gains from illicit drugs to be approximately US$320 annually which is entirely outside the government controls and likely to fuel crime, corruption, and violence in urban areas (Blumstein, 1995). Recent reviews show that interventions of drug law enforcement may reduce the rate of drug related violence. However, the existing scientific evidence has strong suggestions that prohibition of drugs may likely cause violence and more homicide in the drug market. Contrary, conventional wisdom believes that drug law enforcement is likely to reduce this violence. Therefore, the association
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Sampling on HCC gollf clubs (market research) Essay
Sampling on HCC gollf clubs (market research) - Essay Example If one person is interested, she or he may be able to provide names of other potential participants. This type of recruiting is known as the snowball technique (Lindlof, 1995 as cited by Barnett). Other considerations include demographics. A further question is whether to target a heterogeneous (everybody is different) or homogeneous (everybody is as similar as possible) sample. Most researchers prefer a homogeneous group with the common threads being the issues for discussion (Vaughn, Schumm, & Sinagub, 1996 as cited by Barnett). In this approach it is believed that having too many different voices could detract from the overall purpose. Those advocating heterogeneous groups argue that focus groups should capture a range of opinions, and that participants should feel able to present their perspective free from the fear of appearing different. In a heterogeneous group everybody is, by definition, different. It is important to consider whether focus group members will know each other or whether they will be complete strangers. The degree of familiarity unquestionably impacts group discussions. For the purpose of this research we will consider membership lists and will also contact the Government bodies to get information lists about the people of the area to get idea of people preferences. Since the membership in HCC golf club is very low already, membership lists can support the research purpose but we cannot rely on it. The heterogeneous samples should be selected in order to gain the knowledge about the different preferences of the customers so that the areas should be effectively addressed. It is preferred that group members should not be familiar with one another in order to try to prevent acquaintances from influencing comments. We will select adults aging between 18-49, with different income levels, backgrounds and status in order to get a broader perspective regarding the tastes of the target
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Why the government should not cut schools budget Research Paper
Why the government should not cut schools budget - Research Paper Example Education makes a person perfect. The differences between an educated person and an uneducated person can be witnessed in the behaviors. The educated person may get better social acceptance because of his better behavior and superior abilities in tackling life problems The main purpose of education is to develop good citizens. In other words, lack of education may result in the development of antisocial elements of unhealthy citizens. Moreover, education is one of the essential requirements for achieving a better profession. In the current world, only the educated person will be capable of meeting the professional challenges. A person who does not have ideas about the changing trends in the world may not be a success in his profession. In short, the importance of education in human life cannot be underestimated at any circumstances. However, there are tendencies to cut down the educational budgets by the governments. Government often cites lack of funds for cutting down the education al budgets. In a heavily globalized current world, governments are trying to cut down their expenses in public services or stay away from public utility services. Privatization of educational sector may result in increased educational costs which may prevent people from attending schools and colleges.This paper argues that the government should never cut down the educational budget or stay away from executing their basic responsibilities of giving proper education to its citizens. One of the toughest blows and most shocking hypocrisies of the Bush education budget is his plan to entirely end the Perkins Loan Program, which historically has forgiven student loans for qualified teachers as inducement for them to teach in schools serving students from low-income families, students with disabilities, or in the fields of mathematics, science, foreign languages, or bilingual education (White) It should be noted that Bush had no hesitation in spending trillions of dollars for wars. He unde restimated the values of education and the social changes education can bring to the society. Education drives a person from a known to unknown world. Current world is a mysterious one and our knowledge about the current world is limited when we consider the hidden things in this world. Better knowledge about the world is essential for better living. This knowledge can be provided to the children only through education. Cutting down of educational budgets may increase the chances of intrusion of private institutions in educational sector. Intrusion of private people in educational sector may further commercialize the educational world. Education should be considered as a divine process and commercialization of education should be prevented as much as possible. Cutting down of educational budgets will prevent proper interference of government in the educational sector and the private business people may exploit the possibilities. Knowledge is exploding from all corners and the advanc ements in science and technology are immense. However, educationalists all over the world have strong doubts about how well the governments able to deliver this knowledge explosion to the students. In other words, the quality or standards of education at present is questionable. Some people believe that the standards of the education improved a lot with the introduction of new curriculum strategies like problem solving methods rather than lecture based methods.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Change context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Change context - Essay Example For example, one may question whether a halt in the organizations operations would result in the same changes observed and the consequent associated benefits, or, while in operation, what changes are the organization seeing in its context, that need to be taken into the account. A credible answer to these questions will allow the organization identify what is important and effective this will allow the organization to develop necessary activities that seek to drive the organization to an affirmative position, and communicate its impact in a better manner. Change doesn’t usually occur in an unprecedented manner, and arriving at a reasonably acceptable form of change requires assessment and implementation of strategies meant to accomplish the organizations set goals. In most cases, organizational change results from major external driving forces that the organization has little control over, such as need for increase in productivity, significant cuts in funding and need to address new market targets, among others. Normally, in a bid to keep up with these changes that affect the organization, unprecedented changes must occur, devolving the organizations structure to newer improved standards that can keep up with the changing environment. Such evolving changes may include formulation of new policies such as changing from a highly hasty decision making entrepreneurial tendency to one which observes calm and critical planning preceding decision. Such a move, which alters in the organizations operations results to organization-wide c hange. In comparison of three advertisements seeking to find viable individuals for employment in a managerial post, all the advertisements required highly trained individuals, with an adequate educational background. Also, the duties to be tasked to the manager were quite similar, including development of new organizational ideas, planning of the organizations expenditure, identification of issues affecting the
SILK ROAD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
SILK ROAD - Essay Example ccording to David Christian, the trans-ecological exchanges made possible by the Silk Road routes contributed greatly to the growth of trade within the Afro-Eurasian region, specifically, trade between the region’s agrarian communities, steppe pastoralists, and woodland foragers. The natural features of the Silk Road indicate that ecological factors have played a great role in intensifying trade along the Silk Road. For one, the Silk Roads cross the borders of desert areas or barren steppes inhabited by pastoralists. These kinds of ecological borders create the necessity for trade because the essential goods needed by the people living on very different environments are also different. In fact, given these ecological factors, it would be astonishing if trade did not flourish along the Silk Road. The products traded along the Silk Road routes prove how dynamic trade was in the Afro-Eurasian region. Many of the products traded came from the woodland or steppeland, whilst several of the products made by the agrarian communities were sold to the steppes. David Christian emphasises that the Silk Roads naturally are sea and land routes connecting east and west, particularly, connecting the agricultural communities of inner Asia and functioning as channels transporting products, ideas, religion, and even diseases. Moreover, Christian views Steppe Roads, which connect the Eurasian agricultural and grassland areas, as trade routes, stimulated by a natural commercial barter of goods from pastoral and agricultural regions. Trade products were perhaps bartered most intensely across the ecological boundary dividing agrarian and pastoral areas, although a number of products certainly crossed the steppes. The Silk Road linking China and the Middle East cultivated trade of agricultural products, specially made goods, ideas, and religious beliefs. But because of the dynamic evolution of civilisations in China, the Silk Road ceased to be merely a connecting link between
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Longest Day Essay Example for Free
The Longest Day Essay The primary task of many forms of media, and in this case films, is to entertain an audience. Taking the examples of The Longest Day directed by Darryl F. Zanuck and Saving Private Ryan directed by Steven Spielberg however, it is possible for the audience to look past the story of the D-Day landings at face value and begin to think of the deeper meanings and true purpose of the film. What does the director want to convey with his use of lighting, dialogue or camera movements? How does he or she want the audience to react? Both The Longest Day and Saving Private Ryan have been made for entertainment, but although the clips analysed cover the same event and try to be as histrically accurate as possible, they vary in many ways. In summary, The Longest Days purpose is to convey a historically accurate idea of the D-Day landings and inform its audience of the events that took place. It also glorifies the bravery of the soldiers who took part in the landings. The film is what can be expected of a war film made in the 1960s made less than 20 years after the war ended it tries to pay tribute to the men who risked or gave their lives to their country, some of whom would have been very much alive when the film came out. The purpose of Saving Private Ryan is slightly different. It also tries to convey a historically accurate picture of the landings but focuses more on the horrors of war and the attitudes and reactions of individual soldiers. Both films are aimed at the same audience, which is the whole of society. The two clips can both be split into five sections. Both clips begin with the troops arriving in the landing craft, but the shots are very different. In The Longest Day the landing craft are filmed moving quickly through the water with the soldiers sitting quietly and reasonably relaxed inside them. The commmanders are giving their orders to the troops calmly and clearly. This is a huge parallel to the same scene in Saving Private Ryan. The shots are filmed as though from another landing craft, giving the audience a real feeling of moving through the water and discomfort in the small boats. The conditions are much wetter and rainier and the troops seem much less confident. Some are being sick, some are taking drinks from hip flasks and some are saying prayers and kissing crucifix pendants. Historically, the audience is watching the same day played out in front of them but there is a difference in purpose, as Spielberg is focusing on specific characters rather than the D-Day landings a a whole event. The image of the troops given in Saving Private Ryan therefore seems much more disheartening and depressing than that in The Longest Day. Spielberg has focused on individual soldiers, and has used many more close-ups than Zanuck. This has the effect of the audience feeling like they could themselves be one of the soldiers on the craft, and makes the same shot in The Longest Day seem a lot more comfortable for the troops and appears less tense. In this section, Saving Private Ryan succeeds in extracting emotion from the audience and draws us into the story. The next shot is of the troops disembarking from the landing craft. The biggest difference to be seen is when the ramp of the craft is opened. In The Longest Day, the soldiers begin to cheer and shout as they run up the beach, with very few being shot straight away. In contrast, as the ramp is opened in Saving Private Ryan at least half of the soldiers appear to be killed before they even get out of the landing craft. Men that are not killed jump into the water for safety, and here there is a long section which is not included in The Longest Day. The camera appears to escape the craft with the soldiers and the audience is made to feel as thought they are going underwater as well. As the camera becomes submerged, the sound effects change also. The action above the water becomes muffled and distant but we are remoinded that the soldiers are still not safe, as in front of us we are shown soldiers being shot or drowning. The images Spielberg creates are graphic and disturbing but they are part of the historical facts he tries to convey to the audience. One of the ways in which Saving Private Ryan succeeds in its realism is the editing of scenes in real time. All the events that take place are filmed for the amount of time they would take in real life, for example The Longest Day spends about twenty-five seconds showing the troops disembarking from the landing craft whereas in Saving Private Ryan the same scene takes around a minute and a half. Saving Private Ryan is very realistic but, ironically, Spielberg uses unreal techniques to achieve this; slow motion doesnt occur in real life but when it is used in the clip it works because it shows something beneath the surface of the action. Spielbergs audience is being shown the psychology of the scene and slow motion is used to explore workings of Hanks mind. We look around the beach through his eyes, hear what he hears and experience it with him. A lot of emotion is evoked from the audience in this way. Real time gives us a feeling of involvement in the scene and viewers are made to feel more connected with the characters. In the next section of the clips the troops are getting on to the beach and running up towards the land. Both clips show in detail the injuries many soldiers receive and bring home to the audience some of the horrific deaths that were suffered by them. Brutal realism is widely used but especially in Saving Private Ryan; the audience is shown open wounds, dying men and even a soldier picking up his own arm, all in a very graphic way. A big difference to be seen in this section of both the clips is first or third person narration. As with books, scenes in films usually take on the view of either someone involved in the action (in this case a soldier). by using the camera as eyes and showing what a soldier might see, or showing the action from further away and using the camera to give a wider perspective. The Saving Private Ryan clip is shot almost entirely from a first-person viewpoint, which therefore shows the audience a lot more gory injuries and suffering. A first person viewpoint can often give a much more shocking effect can change the audiences emotions more directly. Spielberg uses this type of filming to bring feelings not only of horror at the situation but sympathy and sadness. The Longest Day is mostly shot from a third-person perspective because its main purpose is to inform the audience, and give the viewer an accurate picture of the situations encountered by soldiers and the action that took place. There are almost no close-ups in the clip, and it seems Zanuck has concentrated on showing us the big picture, whereas Spielberg uses close-up shots to initiate a feeling of friendship between the audience and the characters, as we follow the same characters throughout the film. To show troops moving up the beach. The Longest Day uses a continuous shot which lasts approximately thrity seconds. In this shot the camera pans steadily up the beach, slightly raised from the troops. The audience is given a view along the coastline and is shown hundreds of troops cheering and shouting, running up the beach. This shot is used by Zanuck to give an idea of the vastness of the operation, and to show the viewer the number of lives that were lost even on a a small part of the coastline. As a significant part of this films original audience would have been involved in the war and specifically this operation, Zanuck focuses also on a sense of heroism in the characters, the courage and willpower in the most difficult of situations. At the end of each clip, dialogue between two soldiers takes place, but the tones of voice, attitudes, reactions, and expressions of the characters couldnt be more different. This scene in The Longest Day seems staged and unemotive, as a young soldier is told to go back and get his rifle which he has dropped on the beach, because, as the General tells him, hes sure to need it before this day is over. This sentence seems too structured to be realistic; in a war situation it wouldnt be normal to come out with such a complex sentence. However, the General reassures this young, frightened soldier and the short scene illustrates the kind of bonds that were created between troops. A feeling of security and trust is portrayed to the viewers in the father and son relationship we see on screen. The same scene in Saving Private Ryan shows more spontaneity and realism as a young soldier screams to the commander What the hell do we do now, sir?! . He is panicking because he has no idea what he ought to be doing, but when he asks his commander he too has no clue. There is much confusion and the audience feel uncomfortable and unsafe as we do not know the fate of the people we see before us. The characters are presented in different ways but the important thing that links both the scenes is why the director has decided to introduce the characters at all. By the introduction to the characters of the boy and his superior we start to care about their individual fates, and pathos is used over us to so that we become concerned over whether the characters live or die. Both directors use this to evoke sadness and pity among the audience. One of the most important aspects of the clips to analyse is the directors presentation of war. The Longest Day is an epic, giving an accurate, historical account of the D-Day landings. It conveys to the audience the bravery of the soldiers who fought in the war and the situations they had to deal with. A huge proportion of its original audience would have either fought in the war themselves or been closely related to someone who had, so the purpose of the film would have been to pay tribute to those people. The purpose of Saving Private Ryan is different because almost none or even none at all of its audience would have fought in the war. Spielberg shows us the operation not just from a factual view but from an emotional view and shows us tragedies and horrors. Although the two clips cover exactly the same event we can see that they are very different in style, but even though they were made decades apart from each other there are also a similarities. By comparing and analysing these films so closely, we as an audience can begin to see into the directors minds and realise their hidden purposes behind making the film.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Fresh Water Distillate Pump
Fresh Water Distillate Pump INTRODUCTION . There was MOD vessel on the port and this vessel required a fresh water for the 50 crew on the ship. So i have to make a system to produce fresh water on that ship. But the problem is that the ship is at port and there is lot of waste present in the port sea water such as organic waste which contain mainly garbage ,untreated sewage which can discharge directly or indirectly in the sea.treaces of heavy metals also present mercury,cadmium,,chromium these heavy metals are dangerous to health and also to the environment.heavy metals such as zinc and lead may causes corrosion .beside of these there was sone anthropogenic source of waste present which are listed below. Mining effluents Domestic effluents Industrial effluents Shipping activities including those of motorised boats and canoes. Fertilizers pesticides Atmospheric sources such as gas flaring, incineration of domestic waste manly garbage. Petroleum industries activities. According to uk water regulation the perctange of some heavy metals must be at certain level CALCULATION Before choosing any generator I have to calculate the water which fulfil the requirement of 50 persons. In a ship one person can MAXIUM 600 to 800 litres per day. A person can use the fresh water for washing clothes, washing utensils, wash room, drinking, cooking, bathing, and etc. If we calculate the fresh water for the 50 persons isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦! 800*50= 40000 litres per day so i have to chose a system which is capable for the production of minim 40000 liter per day TYPES OF FREH WATER GENERATOR in an efficient engine, only about half of the heat in the fuel is converted into useful work some of the Heat energy is lost in the cooling systems and exhaust gas. but some of the heat lost is recovered . the Modern highly pressure charged engines have a large amount of energy in scavenge air cooling wateer and this can be provide as the source of heating to the bunkering .an other source of heat is jacket water cooling and it also contain considerable amount of heat and this heat can be recovered in the fresh water evaporator system which operate at the pressure giving a corresponding saturation temperature fo water lower the the jacket water entering in to the heating medium .gasses dissolved when water is heated to its saturation temperature. There are two methods for generating fresh water, 1.Reverse Osmosis 2. distillation. is generally used were large quantities of relatively low quality water is required. Typical examples of water produced are; Treatment Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Silica Sodium Chloride TDS Sea Water 250 200 14 15000 15000 Evaporator Reverse Osmosis 20 5 After Demineraliser 0 Trace . Distillation The most commonly use freshwater generation is evaporative distillation, which uses engine jacket cooling water or steam heat from exhaust or gas fired boilers to evaporate sea water, which is then condensed into fresh water. Evaporation distillers comes in two main forms, 1.multistage flash 2 multi effect evaporators. Simple single effect evaporator The system above shows an evaporator typically heated by Main Engine Jacket water with means to supply steam when the engine is shut down Single and multi stage tube distillation was one of the early types of fresh water generation. It uses heat passing through submerged coils or tube bundles immersed in sea water to produce the distillate, which when condensed becomes the fresh water. Single Stage Flash Evaporator flash evapourator it consist of two parts 1.condensor 2.evaporator generally the heating method used is main engine heat or by heating oil usually the water boils at 100 degree. But in the freshwater generator the water inside the system usually boiled at 60 to 70 degree. By using ejector or edecutor.basically an alternative arrangement to the shell evaporator is the flash evaporator were heating takes place externally, the hot brine enters the low pressure chamber into a weir where some of the water flashes off. Water overflowing the weir is either out or passed on to a second stage. Multi stage units with each stage maintained at a lower pressure allow improved efficiency and high outputs. to check the percentage of salt salinoemetre is used. its is important to use salinometere because if the percentage of salt in water became high then it can detect it and raised the alarm Multi Stage Flash Evaporator flash flow diagramr in this process we use two evaporation stages in order to get a better typical multi stage flash system is based upon preheating of a pressurised sea water stream, or more typically a recycle brine stream to which the feed sea water is added the stream is heated in the heat input section brine heater. Double stage FWG is similar to the single stage FWG, the only difference being that the whole single stage process is repeated twice in 2-stage generator From here the recycle stream is passed into the first stage of a series of flash chambers. Here the pressure is released, permitting a portion of the brine stream to flash to form salt-free vapour which is condensed to give the fresh water. In condensing the vapour gives off its latent heat to the recycle brine stream. From the first stage the flashing brine stream is passed to the second stage which is kept at a slightly lower pressure more vapour flashes off. In the same way the flashing brine stream passes to the next stage and so o n through the plant with a portion of the vapour flashing off at each stage. A heat balance shows that the heat supplied in the brine heater has to be rejected. This is done in the last two stages of the plant which are cooled by a sea water stream which subsequently passes to waste. Modern Developments. Large Multi-effect Alfa laval evaporator In 1990 Alfa-Laval Desalt introduced its D-TU concept-a ME desalination system based on tube type distillers, by using the evaporation under vacuum with the rising film principle. This is thath means the inner surfaces of the tube are always covered with a then film of the feed water . heating medium is circulates on the outside of the tubes in the heat exchangerss.and The vacuum is created by water ejectors connected to each effects. A controlled amount of sea water is led to the bottom of each of the effect. where it is mixes with the brine from the previous effect and into the tubes in the heat exchanger, where it is heated. The generated vapours enter a separator where the brine droplets from the wet vapour are separated. The dry vapour pass through the separator to the following effect where they condense. The remaining sea water which has been converted to brine, flows to the next effect as feed water. The brine is taken out and discharged overboard. The latent heat in the vapo urs from the previous effect is used as a heating medium in the following effects. The process continues until the last effect where the generated vapours condense cooled by sea water. The condensate vapours flow from one effect to the next, and are retained in a collecting tank as distilled water. If a low temperature evaporator is to be used for domestic purposes certain restrictions apply. Operation is not allowed within 25 miles of the coast or 50 miles of an estuary. Chromate jacket water treatment must never be used. The condensate must be treated in order to destroy bacteria. Care must be taken if chemicals are used to inhibit marine growth in pipe work. Vapour Compression The boiler section is initially filled with fresh water. When the system is operating feed water is supplied via the level control valve. Hot steam is created in the boiler which passes over into the main section. Here the steam is mixed with a brine spray. Some of the steam is condensed and some of the brine spray is flashed off. The combined steam passes over to the vapour section via a scrubber. Flow of vapour occurs due to the action of the compressor which increases the vapour pressure increaseing its saturation temperature. Reverse Osmosis Osmosis describes the process whereby a fluid will pass from a more dense to a less dense solution through a semi-permeable membrane. It is very important to the water absorption processes of plants. RO is a process which uses a semi permeable membrane which retains both salt and impurities from sea water while allowing water molecules to pass. Filtration of up to 90% is possible thus making the produced water unsuitable for boiler feed without further conditioning. Improved quality is possible using a two or more pass system. diagram showing osmotic headThe parchment paper acts as the semi-permeable membrane and allows the water molecules to pass but not the larger salt molecules. Reverse osmosis is the process whereby a pressure greater than the osmotic head pressure is applied to a solution of high density. Fluid is forced from the high density side to the less dense side. For desalination plants the pressure is applied to sea water and the water is forced through the semi-permeable membrane. The semi permeable membrane which is typically made of polyamide membrane sheets wrapped in a spiral form around a perforated tube resembling a loosely wound toilet roll. Design of the cartridges is therefore such that the sea water feed passes over the membrane sheets so that the washing action keeps the surfaces clear of deposits. A dosing chemical is also injected to assist the action. Make up of membrane The two membranes sealed on the outer three edges, enclose porous under-layer through which the permeate spirals to central collecting tube Schematic of RO plant Pressurised feed water passes lengthways through the tubular spiral wound membrane element. Freshwater permeate travels through the membrane layers as directed along a spiral bath inot a central perforated tube, while brine is discharged out the end of the membrane element.. The fluid could be water and the solutions sea water. Under normal conditions the water would pass from the less saline solution to the more saline solution until the salinity was the same. This process will cease however if the level in the more saline side raises to give a difference greater than the Osmotic height. For practical use to allow the generation of large quantities of water. It is necessary to have a large surface area of membrane which has sufficient mechanical strength to resist the pressurised sea water.. The material used for sea water purification is spirally wound polyamide or polysulphonate sheets. One problem with any filtration system is that deposits accumulate and gradually blocks the filter. The sea water is supplied at a pressure of 60bar, a relief valve is fitted to the system. The Osmosis production plant is best suited to the production of large quantities of water rather than smaller quantities of steam plant feed quality. Pre-treatment and post treatment. Sea water feed for reverse osmosis plant is pre-treated before being passed through. The chemical sodium hexa phosphate is added to assist wash through of salt deposits on the surface of the elements and the sea water is sterilised to remove bacteria which could otherwise become resident in the filter. Chlorine is reduced by compressed carbon filter while solids are removed by other filters. Treatment is also necessary to make the water drinkable. The disc tube module is supposed to have the main advantage over the spiral wound type in that it avoids the need for the difficult cleaning processes required. With long lasting membranes, typically 5 years and in built cleaning system the unit will recover 30% as pure water from sea water passing through it Coil or Tube Seawater Evaporator This is a modern version of the type used when I was at sea in the 1960s; they used heating coils in those days as opposed to the pipe nest heaters of today. The coils used to become scaled in salt, with the attendant loss in output of distillate. I was in charge of the vaps and I remember the old chief coming down to the engine room on my watch and balling me out for the downturn in distillate. We were having problems with the boiler feed water purity (next article will cover the testing and treatment of boiler feed water) so I was blowing down the boiler regularly with the associated make-up requirement meant we needed more water pronto. Anyway I took him up to the vaps and showed him the scaling on the heating coils, reminding him that I was pumping Foss chemicals into the beast to try and break this away. He pushed me aside and shut off the seawater supply opening up the steam supply which rapidly dried the salt layer on the coils. He then opened the seawater inlet and hey presto the salt scale cracked and fell of the coils. I used this system several times until I was up for Seconds ticket and examiner wasnt too pleased to hear of this method, called the old Chief several unprintable names. Today we dont have to resort to these measures as there is an innovative device which uses a material that emits oscillations counteracting the natural seawater oscillations, thereby altering its properties and preventing calcium carbonate scale. (I will note the website address in the relevant section; I am too old for this new technology). A tube and coil evaporator consists of a steel vessel which has a nest of heating pipes near the bottom of the vessel being fed by steam or, hot water from the main engine. There is a tube condenser cooled by seawater installed near the top of the vessel. A vacuum is drawn in the vessel by air ejectors operated by steam or pressurised seawater. Seawater is fed into the evaporator just covering the heating pipes. Heat is supplied to the pipes and, this combined with the vacuum conditions begins to boil the seawater producing steam. The steam rises up through a demister into the tube condenser where it is evaporated to distilled water. This is collected and pumped via the salinometer to the storage EVAPORATOR SCALE. There are numerous types of evaporators all working to produce pure water with concentrated sea-water as waste. This concentration effect can lead to the formation of damaging scales within the evaporator. Over concentration is usually prevented by having a continuous stream of sea-water passing through the unit thus maintaining a satisfactory dilution of the sea-water side of the evaporator. However, because of the high salt content, when sea-water is elevated to temperatures above 30 C scales can begin to form on heat transfer surfaces. Additionally as the majority of evaporators operate under vacuum there is a tendency for the make-up water side to foam, which can give rise to carry-over and contamination of the pure water stream. Four scales which are principally found in evaporators are; Calcium Sulphate (CaSO4)-1200ppm, scale formation is principally on density, remains in solution below 140oC and/or 96000ppm.The worst scale forming salt forming a thin hard grey scale Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2 remains in solution below 90oC Magnesium Bi-Carbonate 150ppm soluble below 90oC, forms a soft scale, prevention by keeping operating temperature of evaporator below 90oC Above 90oC breaks down to form MgCO3 and CO2 and then Mg(OH)2 and CO2 Calcium bicarbonate Ca(HCO3)2 180ppm Slightly solube, above 65oC breaks down to form insuluble calcium carbonate forming a soft white scale. scale formation prevented by chemical treatment Ca(HCO3)2 = Ca + 2HCO3 2HCO3 = CO3 + H20 + CO2 If heated up to approximately 80oC CO3 + Ca = CaCO3 If heated above 800C CO3 + H20 = HCO3 + OH Mg + 2OH = Mg(OH)2 Hence if sea water in the evaporator is heated to a temperature below 80oC calcium carbonate predominates. If it is heated above 80oC then magnesium hydroxide scale is deposited. Sodium Chloride 32230 to 25600ppm -generally ignored Soluble below 225000ppm forms a soft encrustation, free ions promote galvanic action. It is unlikely to precipitate and is easily removed Supersaturation This is where the concentration of dissolved salts exceed their solubility at the particular temperature encountered and precipitation begins to occur. When deposition occurs under these conditions heavy scale deposits can rapidly build up and lead to a loss of heat transfer efficiency. Scale deposition due to supersaturation is often localised in areas of elevated temperature such as heat transfer surfaces in heat-exchangers. This is because of localised over concentration of salts with respect to the temperature of the thin water layer at the surface of the metal. Scale deposition can therefore occur on heat-exchange surfaces even when the conditions in the bulk of the water are not scale forming. FINALLY SELECTED GENERATOR VACCUM VAPOUR COMPRESSION FRESHWATER GENERATOR MAKER.. ALFA LAVAL TYPE.. ORCA OFFSHORE SERIES CAPACITY20-70m3/per day vacuum vapour compression is the efficient method of production of fresh water for both drinking and other use. by using this method we can convert the sea water in to fresh water by vacuum distillation process using electricity. The system has simple compact designee made from titanium heat exchanger plates with combined fresh water and feed water system. the system has low maintance cost any work on start and forget operation .and can produced very high quality of fresh water . BASIC Equipment. titanium plate heat exchanger for the combination evaporator and condenser stainless steel distiller shell, air ejector freshwater pump compressor UL approved panel built in freshwater quality monitoring system. ADDITIONAL Equipment fresh water pH adjustment filter. silver-ion or we can say UV sterilisers VACCUME DISTILLATION PROCESS. vacuum distillation is the process use to convert sea water in to fresh water. by this process constant supply of fresh water with low salinity level and be achieved with continuous controlling the water quantity. WORKING PRINCIPAL . 0feed water enter in to the lower section of the plate packs. plates is warmed by heating medium, heating medium is either a jacket water cooling medium or a closed circuit heating medium water is then evaporated at 40-60 degree centigrade in the vacuum of 85-95 % the vapour produces is raised between the plates in the middle section of plate pack. At this point seawater is almost completely removed. these droplet falls back in to the brain sump by the gravity at the bottom of the fresh water generator. only the clean fresh water can enter in to the condenser section and the water is cooled by flow of sea water. at that point vapour is condensed in to fresh water and pumped out by the fresh water pump. GHARP SHOWS THE % TONS PER DAY PRODUCTION Technical specifications (standard units without optional equipment) Water maker type ORCA Offshore 20 ORCA Offshore 30 ORCA Offshore 40 ORCA Offshore 50 ORCA Offshore 60 ORCA Offshore 70 Length (L) mm/inch Width (W) mm/inch Height (H) mm/inch Dry weight kg/lbs Operating weight kg/lbs FW pump motor kW/hp Brine pump motor kW/hp SW pump motor kW/hp (option) Circ. pump motor Electric power (kW installed) Power consumption kwh/m3 fresh water Fresh water quality Dimensions *) THE DRAWING SHOWS ORCA OFFSHOREE SERIES WITHOUT OPTIONS 2450 / 96 2150 / 85 2400 / 94 3700 / 8175 3865 / 8521 1.3 / 1.7 1.3 / 1.7 12.5 / 1 1.9 / 2.6 78.5 18 WHO standard, less than 5 ppm NaCl 2800 / 110 2150 / 85 2400/94 4000 / 8818 4185 / 9226 1.3 / 1.7 1.8 / 2.4 12.5 / 17 3.6 / 4.9 81 18 SLOW SAND FILTER (SSF) FOR THE REMOVAL OF HEAVY METAL. Slow sand filters (SSFs) are probably the most effective, simplest and least expensive water treatment process. Micro-organisms and other particulate materials are effectively removed by SSFs. Considerable development has been done on SSFs with respect to particle removal, but only a few works have been reported in the context of the removal of heavy metals which are a severely toxic pollutant of surface waters. No extensive laboratory or pilot studies have been carried out to determine the performance or the mechanisms of removal of heavy metals by SSFs. This research is concerned with an experimental investigation of the removal of heavy metals from surface water by SSFs. Four laboratory scale SSFs were built and run according to standard design criteria. Removal of four common heavy metals [copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd)] were monitored. The filters were fed synthetic water made from tap water mixed with settled sewage, and each filter was dosed with one of the heavy metal salts. The concentrations of Cu, Cr, Pb and Cd in the influent were selected as 10 mg/l, 100 ÃŽÂ ¼g/l, 60 ÃŽÂ ¼g/l, and 100 ÃŽÂ ¼g/l respectively considering their relative toxicity and WHO guidelines in drinking water. Settled sewage was added to vary the total organic carbon (TOC) of the feed water. The reduction of heavy metal concentrations were monitored at various TOCs, filtration rates and filter bed depths. The results showed that SSFs succeeded in removing heavy metals from water. The removals of Cu, Cr, Pb and Cd at the conventional flow rate and filter depth are 99.6,97.2,100 and 96.6 % respectively. The results also showed that an increase in TOC in the feed water improved metal removal while increases of flow rates caused a decrease of the removal of metals. The removal of heavy metals also decreased with a reduction in sand bed depth. The optimisation of design parameters for SSFs for the removal of heavy metals depends on the individual heavy metal and on the TOC content of the feed water. Model equations were developed for, and linear correlation was observed between each of the three control parameters and the removal of the selected metal. The removal of heavy metal by SSFs was achieved through the combination of a number of mechanisms. Settlement, adsorption to both sand and organic matter and microbial WORKING PRCEDURE slow and sand filter work through the formation of a layer know as hypogeal layer or schmutzdecke .hypogeal layer contain microorganism that remove bacteria and trap condiments consist of bacteria,fungi,portozoa,rotera and a range of aquatic insect larva. the hypogal layer provides effective purification in potable water treatment. as the water passes through the hypogeal layer particles of foreign matter are trapped in the mucilaginous matrix and dissolved organic material is adsorbed and metabolised by bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Water produced form a well managed slow sand filter is free from heavy metals and other hazards. Slow sand filter are simple, are easily used by small systems, and have been adapted to package plant construction . Slow sand filter are similar to single media rapid-rate filters in some respects, but there are crucial differences in functional mechanisms(other than the obvious difference in flow rate): the schmutzdecke removes suspended organic materials and microorganisms by biodegradation and other biological processes, instead of relying solely on simple filtration or physic-chemical sorption. Advantages of slow sand filtration include its low maintenance requirements (since it does not require backwashing and requires less frequent cleaning) and the fact that its efficiency does not depend on actions of the operator. However, slow sand filters do require time for the schmutzdecke to develop after cleaning, during which the filtration performance steadily improves; this interval is called the ripening period. The ripening period can last from six hours to two weeks, but typically requires less than two days. A two day filter-to-waste period is recommended for typical sand filters . Since few remedies are available to an operator when the process is ineffective, slow sand filtration should be used with caution and should not be used without pre treatment or process modifications unless the raw water is low in turbidity, algae, and colour . Package plant versions with a granular activated carbon layer located beneath the slow sand filter can absorb organic materials that are resistant enough to biodegradation to pass through the schmutzdecke. When used with source water of the appropriate quality, slow sand filtration may be the most suitable filtration techno logy for small systems (6). Slow sand filtration has demonstrated removal efficiencies in the 90 to 99.9999% range for viruses and greater than 99.99% for Guardia FILTER DISCRUPTION. Square tank Media depth: 2-3 ft Surface area: Filtration rate: 2-10 gal/min-ft2 Flow through filter: 350-3,500 gpm Backwash frequency: every 24 houre CALCULATION We have required maximum 40000 litter per day production per day. and the filtration rate of this filter is max 51000 litter per day which fulfil our requirement. and we have to put two filter in parellal for the standby and maintaince purpose. So that if one filter stop working we can use the other standby filter to run the system as per requirement. IMPORTANT POINTs there is one bypass line in slow sand filter before the water enter in to the sand filters. and this bypass meet the discharge line of distilled pump. The reason for this bypass is that if the ship is in the sea we can open the bypass valve and the fresh water then straight go to the mineraliser unit. because in the roiling and pitching condition the slow sand filter does not work properly the sand filter unit is completely fixed with proper fitting. so that when the main engine runs it does not move from his place. one the important is that the system will take at least 2 day to start working .so for days the ship master has to arrange some external sources of drinking water. CLEANING METHOD There is two method of cleaning of sand filter 1. the top few millimetres of fine sand is scraped off to expose a new layer of clean sand. Water is then decanted back into the filter and re-circulated for a few hours to allow a new Schmutzdecke to develop. The filter is then filled to full depth and brought back into service 2. The second method, sometimes called wet harrowing, involves lowering the water level to just above the Schmutzdecke, stirring the sand and thereby suspending any solids held in that layer and then running the water to waste. The filter is then filled to full depth and brought back into service. Wet harrowing can allow the filter to be brought back into service more quickly. POSITION. we can fit the sand filter before the discharge of distilled pump. CHEMICAL TREATMENT. VAPTREAT. chemical known as vaptreat is add in to the system before the point where sea water is going inside the system .because this chemical make the sea water soft. IMPORTANT PROPERTIES Odour: Odourless Appearance: Liquid, pale yellow, soluble in water Contact with eyes: Mildly irritating to eyes Contact with skin: In cases of severe exposure, irritation may develop Inhalation: Vapours or aerosols may cause irritation of eyes, nose and respiratory tract Ingestion: May cause gastro-intestinal disturbances MINERALISER AND CHLORINE UNIT After the discharge of distilled pump the water then pass through the mineraliser after the mineraliser chlorine is added to the water. capacity of mineraliser=3800liter/hour capacity of chlorine unit.=3800liter/hour PUMPS REQUIREMENTS Ejector Pump The ejector pump is a single-stage centrifugal pump which supplies the condenser with sea water and the brine/air ejector with jet water as well as feed water for evaporation. Fresh Water/Distillate Pump The single-stage centrifugal fresh water pump extracts the distillate from the condenser and pumps it to the fresh water tank. POSITION OF EJECTOR PUMP The pump is fitted after the suction of low sea chest. because at the low sea chest suction there is no oil present .and is the best point of taking the main sea water suction . TYPE OF PUMP. TEHNICAL DATA CASING.. Cast iron, Nodular cast iron, Bronze, Stainless steel IMPELLER.. Cast iron, Bronze, Stainless steel MAXIMUM CAPACITY.850m3 per hour MAXIMUM DELIVER HEAD105M MAXIMUM LIQUID TEMPERATURE120 CENTIGRADE MAXIMUM PRESSURE.1000KPa MAXIMUM SPEED3600 rpm Salinometer The salinometer continuously checks the salinity of the produced water. The alarm set point is adjustable. salinometer continuously check the quality of the distillate, a salinometer is provided at the outlet side of the distillate pump. If the salinity of the produced fresh water exceeds the chosen maximum value, the solenoid valve is activated to automatically dump the distillate to the bilge and an alarm is sounded Control Panel The control panel contains motor starters, running lights, salinometer and contacts for remote alarm. DISTILLED WATER TRANSFER AND DISTRIBUTION Each fresh water generator distillate pump discharges through a salinometer and a flow meter. Positioned before the flow meter is a solenoid valve. This opens when the salinometer detects too high a salinity level, diverting the distillate pump output to the bilge. The discharge from the FW generators flows to either the distilled water tank which is situated in the steering gear room on the starboard side though inlet valve or to the fresh water tanks which are both situated on the port and starboard sides of the steering gear room. The distilled water tank supplies water to the boiler feed water tank via valve Fresh water produced in the generator that is to be used for domestic purposes is directed through a mineraliser and a chlorination sterilising unit before entering the fresh water tanks. The fresh water tanks supply water to the d
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Discuss The Importance Of Service User Participation Social Work Essay
Discuss The Importance Of Service User Participation Social Work Essay Traditionally, people experiencing mental health problems were removed from society and placed in asylums across the country, indefinitely (Thornicroft and Tansella, 2002, pp. 84-90). Patients within the mental health system were expected to take a compliant role in the management of their care and leave the decision making to the professionals. In todays society that is not the case. In this assignment the writer will begin by exploring the publication Vision for Change while discussing the main theme of this publication which is the importance of service user involvement and the importance of empowering the service user in the mental health system of Ireland (Ireland, Dept of Health Children, 2006). To empower the service user requires the control of power to be transferred from the professionals to the now known Service User. The writer will discuss the effect of this change and the importance of this change within the mental health system. The Mental Health Act 2001 requested th e closure of many asylums and the move towards a community based model of care. The deinstitutionalisation of many patients and relocation back into the community required changes in the way the psychiatric nurse and service user operate. Evidence has shown the importance of service users participation in research, education and in practice through out the mental health care system. The writer in this assignment will discuss the importance of service user participation in the delivery of psychiatric nursing care, focusing on the nursing assessment using a holistic approach. Finally, the writer will discuss the importance of service user participation in the remaining stages of the nursing process; the nursing diagnosis, outcomes, planning, implementation and evaluation while exploring the need for a therapeutic relationship between service user and psychiatric nurse to complete the nursing process successfully. With people experiencing mental health difficulties, who now reside in the community, it is vital that service users become involved in the development and delivery of mental health services, such as self-help services, drop-in centres, and in providing assistance with activities of daily living. The aim of this is to sensitise society to the need of integrating people with mental health difficulties back into community life. As quoted in a Vision for Change; Service users must be at the centre of decision making at an individual level in terms of the services available to them, through to the strategic development of local services and national policy. To use a slogan of the disability rights movement: nothing about us, without us. To reduce the stigma attached to people with mental health difficulties the term patient was changed to service user, as most of the care they receive is provided in the community. The Mental Health Act, 2001 suggests the term patient is used to describe someone who is involuntarily admitted. Patient does not therefore refer to all individuals in an approved centre. In the Vision for Change it states that the correct way to describe someone with a mental health illness was to see the person before the illness, for example someone with anorexia nervosa was not to be described as an anorexic rather than as a person with anorexia nervosa. Stereotyping in mental health is as damaging as any other stereotype (Ireland, Dept of Health Children, 2006). People, who experience mental health difficulties, can be the experts through their own experience (Bee et al, 2008, pp. 442-447). Psychiatric nurses remain the largest staff group involved in the provision of mental health care, (Bee et al, 2008, pp. 442-447). Therefore, to ensure the mental health care service abides by legislation, it is vital for psychiatric nurses to re-evaluate their role to ensure priority is given to including the service user. An Bord Altranais recommend that a holistic approach is adopted and it is listed as one of the requirements in nurse registration education programmes (An Bord Altranais, 2005). It is fundamental that the service user participates in the nursing assessment especially where the holistic model of assessment is used. The biopsychosocial model uses a holistic view, addressing the biological, psychological and social factors contributing to a persons mental health problems. According to Boyd (2004, p.190) it proposes a person-centred treatment approach which addresses each of these elements through an integrated care plan agreed with service users and their carers and involves participation of the service user throughout the assessment. This assessment requires the service user to answer a series of questions, some being of intimate nature about themselves. This enables the assessor to obtain relevant information required in making a nursing diagnosis. To ensure accurate nursing diagnosis it is critical that the services user listens carefully to the questions asked and is completely honest when answering the questions. This process also requires the service user to be patient while the assessor records the data received. However, it is important to remember that an initial assessment can occur when a service user is first admitted into psychiatric care. According to Boyd (2004, p.194) the assessor must have empathy and an understanding of how difficult it is for a person to discuss intimate details of ones lifes to a complete stranger, even if it is in the persons best interest. Although the nursing assessment is the starting point of the nursing process, the writer feels that service users participation remains of equal importance throughout the nursing process. The freedom of information act 1997 requires that all services users can request access to any information stored about them. While, it is now a legal requirement for service users to be involved at all stages of the nursing process, the writer suggests that it is imperative that the service user is informed of the nursing diagnosis. This will empower the service user, by encouraging the service user to find relevant information regarding their diagnosis which can assist in them becoming experts of their own mental illness. Following the diagnosis it is required by law that the psychiatric nurses discuss all details of the outcome with the service user. The psychiatric nurse needs to ensure that the service users values and beliefs are priority when planning the outcome. If any treatment is deemed necessary for the road to recovery, then it is compulsory that the service user is capable of understanding the effects of the treatment proposed, this requirement is stated Under the Mental Health Act, 2001: the service user must be capable of understanding the nature, purpose and likely effects of the proposed treatment and the consultant psychiatrist has given the patient adequate information in a form and language that the patient can understand, on the nature, purpose and likely effects of the proposed treatments (Section 56). Factors for consideration include the capacity to comprehend and decide, risks involved, patients wishes to be informed, the nature of the procedure and the effects of information on the service user. The service user must be informed of the benefits of taking the medication prescribed, for what duration the medication is to be taken and what side affects may occur when taking the prescribed medication. Forcing an unwilling inpatient to receive medication has been considered an unnecessarily coercive, traumatic, and even punitive assault on a persons privacy. It has been stated that the patients refusal of medication is indicative of a gap between their experience and understanding of the medication and the intention of the prescribing physician. (Kaltiala-Heino et al, pp. 290-295) In todays mental health care system, many service users receive treatment in the community; therefore, it is critical that services users listen to information regarding their prescribed medication while raising any concerns they may have. Planning and the implementation stages of the nursing process are not possible without the involvement of the service user. Communication and agreement between the service user and the psychiatric nurse is necessary. Potential obstacles need to be pointed out, and methods of overcoming these obstacles, discussed. Potential risk areas for the service user needs to be discussed and a therapeutic risk assessment carried out by the psychiatric nurse to ensure the service user is not at risk or danger of harming themselves or others. Awareness of patients perceptions of their impaired quality of life gives psychiatric nurses important information for planning individually tailored interventions (Pitkà ¤nen, A. et al, 2008, pp. 1598-1606). Finally, the evaluation stage evaluates client progress and reviews plans in accordance with evaluated data in consultation with the client. Evidence shows that the evaluation of a services users experience is of vital importance in shaping the future of service users outcomes within the mental health service. It also enables the psychiatric nurse to take the necessary steps required to ensure that the individual service user is satisfied with the service received. The Department of Mental Health, UK stated that the experience of service users, including those from black and minority ethnic groups, is a recognised national marker in the performance of the UK mental health services. In 2006, the UK National Service Framework (NSF) in line with the Mental Health Unit of the Regional Office for Europe carried out a systematic review of empirical service user views and expectations of UK-registered mental health nurses. Feedback from this review was both positive and negative, with servi ce users holding mental health nurses in high regard. However; feedback also reveals that there was a strong need for nurses to be more effective in interpersonal communication and relationship building, whilst spending more time with the service user (Bee et al, 2008, pp. 442-447). Throughout the nursing process it is necessary for a therapeutic relationship to exist between the service user and the psychiatric nurse to. Relationships are central in fostering and maintaining hope (Byrne et al 1994). Psychiatric nurses are required to have a genuine interest in services users, listening in a non judgemental way to what is being said. In a user-led study evidence has shown service users identified the importance of therapeutic relationships and how they inform patient experiences. Communication was highlighted by all participants as necessary. One participant in the survey quoted; As soon as you come they can see that you are angry. Then someone will say, sit down, lets talk about it, make a cup of tea. Failure to establish a therapeutic relationship between the service user and the psychiatric nurse can result in negative patient experiences. Participants identified coercion as the main reason for failure to establish a therapeutic relationship (Gilburt, H. et a l, 2008). Conclusion: The writer in this assignment briefly exposed the treatment of patients within the mental health care prior to the introduction of the Mental Health Act 2001 and the publication of Vision for Change. Then, the writer discussed the major changes within the Mental Health Services as a result of this act and publication. The Mental Health Act 2001, focused on the closure of many asylums and a community based model of care to be adopted, however, both the Mental Health Act and the Vision for Change also focus on the importance of service user involvement and empowering the service user. The writer demonstrates how a new psychiatric and service user role was required to adapt to policy changes within the Mental Health Service and to ensure all parties were adapting to policy requirements that aims at service user involvement at all stages, thus; empowering the service user. The writer reports how the publication Vision for Change also hoped at reducing stigma by aiming to involve services users in developing and delivering mental health services. The writer mentioned the importance of service user involvement in research, education and practice, while focusing on the practice area by exploring the nursing process, starting with the assessment. Evidence is clear that it is not possible for a psychiatric nurse, even with the necessary skills required to proceed with the nursing process without the participation of the service user at all stages. The writer concluded this assignment by exploring evidence which reveals that service users regard a therapeutic relationship and good communication between the service user and the psychiatric nurse of high importance.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Cigars :: essays research papers
Cigars There are signs everywhere that cigars are becoming popular again. For example, you can't pass a magazine stand without seeing two or three new magazines glorifying the subject, and restaurants all over the country are devoting entire nights to "smoke dinners." So why is the cigarette still considered offensive and is generally scorned by all? This seems strange since cigars and cigarettes have so many things in common: both are made of tobacco, both are rolled into tube-like shapes, and both are smoked. However, it must be the differences that make the cigar so much more popular. Cigars are made from better quality tobaccos, cigars are hand rolled, and cigars have a more pleasing aroma. Both cigars and cigarettes are constructed of tobacco, but the care used in raising fine cigar tobacco is second to none. Only the finest leaves of the plant are selected. The drying and fermenting process is long (nine months for filler leaves and up to two years for wrapper leaves) and closely watched. Cigarette tobacco is grown for quantity; not necessarily for quality. No regard is given to the aroma and smoke of the different types of tobacco. The only type of tobacco grown is fast-maturing strains they can get to the market quickly. Careful and attentive raising is non existent. The leaves are quickly dried and thrown into boxes for shipment to the rolling factory. Fine cigars are hand rolled, whereas all cigarettes are machine rolled. Including the type and quality of the leaf, rolling is the ultimate judge of whether a cigar is good or bad. Cigar companies go to great pains to be sure they hire only the best "Torcedores" (cigar rollers). If a cigar is underfilled it will burn hot and harsh; if it is overfilled it is "Plugged" and will not draw. To be sure that the cigars are of the best quality, one out of ten is inspected (that's two out of each box). On the other hand, cigarette tobacco is first jammed into cutting machines where the leaves are shredded. Second, they go into the rolling machines where the shreds are perfectly measured out, rolled, and wrapped in paper. The only humans who come in contact with the tobacco, at this point, are the monitors who sweep up the debris and add it back to the hopper. Since machines are doing the work, there is very little quality control. Only one out of a thousand is checked (that's one cigarette out of fifty packs). Cigar smoke is savored and appreciated, while cigarette smoke is considered nasty and smelly.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Electoral College Should Be Revised Essay -- Argumentative Persuas
The Electoral College Should Be Revised As citizens of the United State of America, one of our most important rights is that of which to vote. By voting, the general population has a say in who its leaders are. Votes for local, state, and even federal representatives directly reflect who the constituents want in office. However, America’s highest office is not elected by a vote of the people. Instead we use a confusing and outdated system called the Electoral College. Our president is not elected by the people, but by 538 electors who can legally vote for whomever they choose. Several times in our nations history an elector has voted against the people’s will. Three presidents have been elected into office by the electoral college and not had the majority support of the nation. This phenomenon may very well happen again this year. This system needs to be changed. The highest office in our great nation needs to be elected by the people he/she is representing. The electoral college was developed by our founding fathers as a compromise between a president elected by Congress and one elected by the popular vote of the people. They feared that if the president was elected by Congress, he/she may feel some obligation to it. They also felt that the American people were not well enough informed and mature enough to elect their own leader. They finally decided on an Electoral College that today is made up of 538 electors from all 50 state and the District of Columbia. Each state is allotted a number of electors equal to its number of Representatives and Senators in Washington. The District of Columbia has a number of electors equal to that of the least populated state. As an example, California, our nation’s most populated state, h... ...t. This government is made of the people, for the people, and by the people. We need to have the ability to choose our own leader without the possibility of that decision getting manipulated. Sources Cited: Tom Curtis, "Making Sense of the Electoral College." [Internet, www], [viewed Nov. 6, 2000] "Frequently Asked Questions on the Electoral College." Prepared by The Office of the Federal Register. [Internet, www], [viewed Nov. 6, 2000] "Electoral College." 2000 United Republican Network. [Internet, www], .com. [viewed Nov. 6, 2000] Eric Wikman, "The Electoral College: Then, Now, and Tomorrow." [Internet, www], [viewed Nov. 6, 2000] Judy Cresanta, "The Electoral College: Crisis Avoided." [Internet, www], [viewed Nov. 6, 2000]
Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Teaching Education Careers Essays
Educational Goals and Philosophy There is only one incentive that makes me want to be a teacher, but that one incentive comes along with so many everlasting rewards that I have enough motivation to teach for a lifetime. I have always felt a strong desire to help people, so when I began my college career I decided to major in Psychology. Unfortunately, the yearning I felt to help people was not being fulfilled. I wanted to interact with people young and old, male and female, and of all different ethnicities. I needed to be able to touch someone’s life and allow them to touch mine in the same way. The opportunity to help students, parents, other faculty members, and the community is my incentive to teach. One of the most important factors of teaching is being able to understand the nature of students. It is my personal belief that no two students are alike. You will find students that share similar interests, have values that are alike, and some students that even use the same learning techniques, but the point is, no two students are exactly the same. The diversity of a classroom allows for more than just textbook knowledge to be learned. It is my opinion that students who learn respect for each others cultures, values, and individual traits will become more knowledgeable than those who can regurgitate their curriculum in their sleep. My personal educational philosophy directly ties into this; I am a firm believer in Progressivism. I feel that schools and curriculum both should be directly tied with the matters, interests, and real-world experiences of students. The nature of a student’s knowledge should be constructed, dependent, discovered, and true regardless of any person, place, or thing. I once had a teacher tell me that there was no such thing as a stupid question. I have never heard such a true statement. The curriculum that we teach to our students should be structured and dependent on each child’s individual needs, abilities, and skill levels. At the same time we need to allocate students enough liberty so that their knowledge can also become true, regardless of when, where, or how they reach the information. As a progressive teacher I hope to assist learning by aiding students to form their own significant inquiries and discover the paths to solve those matters. Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Teaching Education Careers Essays Educational Goals and Philosophy There is only one incentive that makes me want to be a teacher, but that one incentive comes along with so many everlasting rewards that I have enough motivation to teach for a lifetime. I have always felt a strong desire to help people, so when I began my college career I decided to major in Psychology. Unfortunately, the yearning I felt to help people was not being fulfilled. I wanted to interact with people young and old, male and female, and of all different ethnicities. I needed to be able to touch someone’s life and allow them to touch mine in the same way. The opportunity to help students, parents, other faculty members, and the community is my incentive to teach. One of the most important factors of teaching is being able to understand the nature of students. It is my personal belief that no two students are alike. You will find students that share similar interests, have values that are alike, and some students that even use the same learning techniques, but the point is, no two students are exactly the same. The diversity of a classroom allows for more than just textbook knowledge to be learned. It is my opinion that students who learn respect for each others cultures, values, and individual traits will become more knowledgeable than those who can regurgitate their curriculum in their sleep. My personal educational philosophy directly ties into this; I am a firm believer in Progressivism. I feel that schools and curriculum both should be directly tied with the matters, interests, and real-world experiences of students. The nature of a student’s knowledge should be constructed, dependent, discovered, and true regardless of any person, place, or thing. I once had a teacher tell me that there was no such thing as a stupid question. I have never heard such a true statement. The curriculum that we teach to our students should be structured and dependent on each child’s individual needs, abilities, and skill levels. At the same time we need to allocate students enough liberty so that their knowledge can also become true, regardless of when, where, or how they reach the information. As a progressive teacher I hope to assist learning by aiding students to form their own significant inquiries and discover the paths to solve those matters.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Reading Strategies
Reading Strategies Worksheet †¢ How do you currently approach the weekly readings in the course? I approach the weekly readings with a lot of energy so that when I read the material it stays fresh in my mind. I also like to take notes as I read highlighting the main points in each paragraph. I approach my readings as if it were my job and take the information provided very seriously. I look at is as the tools to my trade and to not fully comprehend the text means that I can’t fully accomplish my goal of getting a degree. How might you incorporate three of the suggestions covered this week into your study time? I could incorporate some of the suggestions given to me by previewing my text. This could help tremendously because it helps you to get a view of what it is you are about to read and helps with recognizing things you already know. Another strategy is marking my textbook. This can help by letting me reference my notes rather than read through the entire material over again. One final strategy I could incorporate is readings in time blocks. This helps me to focus more on what I am reading so that I can keep the information I gain fresh in my mind. †¢ How might this plan help you accomplish your reading goals? This plan could help me accomplish my reading goals by helping me to focus and comprehend more. Also by increasing my reading level. This plan could help me to be more of a conscious reader and not just one who reads material and doesn’t retain any of the information. This can also be helpful by letting me skim over the text due to my note taking and mapping.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Succesful Business Man
Different businessmen have different ways to build their own careers. When faced with the decision of what some of qualities of a successful businessman are, each person has his/her own opinion. From my point of view, I consider that common sense, specialized knowledge, and good communication skills are the qualities of a prosperous businessman. The primary characteristic which every entrepreneur needs to have in order to do well is common sense. It is defined as an ability to make judgments on the issues, which he/she encounter in every day situations.A good common sense often called as practical intelligence empowers he/she act more quickly and wisely, especially in many complex issues. Successful businessmen are always able to be aware of the dangers surrounding him, anticipate and make sensible decisions. The second most significant quality is specialized knowledge about his/her fields. The entrepreneur who is incompetent at his job will never become profitable. Worked out ambiti on and money invested are not enough to make the business an effective and flourishing one; he must always accumulate his needed knowledge before jumping into business world.What is more, it is indispensable to accomplish success without communication skills. Being able to gain customers’ confidence is an absolute art and entrepreneur who can do it is bound to be successful. Furthermore, good communication methods can lay an intellectual foundation for strong relationships with colleagues partly lead to succeed in business. A prosperous businessman is must not only an affluent person, but also a prestigious person whose advice is always regarded by the others.In a word, to be a successful businessman is not an easy thing, but with a lot of effort, each entrepreneur can reach up to the success from day-to-day. From what I have stated above, I truly believe that common sense, specialized knowledge and good communication skills are the qualities of a successful businessman. A bu siness man is someone taking risk in a certain company for the purpose of producing revenue from a combination of human, financial, or physical capital. An entrepreneur is an example of a business man. Sometimes it can mean someone who is involved in the management of a company, especially as an owner or an executive.A successful business man must apply certain strategies in order to achieve different goals. So, what are the strategies that must be accomplished? First of all, to become a successful business man an entrepreneur should possess the basic business skills in order to adopt a winning business strategy. For example a business man in Fattal company is very organized always plan his business in every step and analyze it by writing a business plan to achieve the goals of the company properly this what make fattal one of the succeed company.So, a business man should always evaluate himself before taking any decision in business. Secondly, a business man must be an intelligent communicator who can gain confidence of others and a good listener to run the business easily. However, when I was doing my training in Pharma Group a medical company I really did appreciate the boss because he had the art of a good communication by being clear about what he was trying to explain whether he was informing or negotiating with us.In this case, the business person should be fluent in languages to be an expert in communication. Thirdly, Entrepreneurs need to deal with customers and suppliers with honesty to build a better reputation and must deliver the product or the service that add value to the business by focusing on the customers’ needs. Actually, Apple Company does have a good reputation because of the sincerity of the entrepreneur dealing with customers and buying them an efficient product that may satisfy their needs.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Discretionary Fiscal Policy
The effect of time lags in discretionary fiscal policy in the economic growth and development by the congress and the president captures a broad economic phenomenon. A discretionary fiscal policy is the level of legislative parameters which are used as action policies for providing stimulus for the effect of control of economic recession. However, the most adequate system of recession control using discretionary fiscal policy relate to an estimation of the most adequate time period with which such recession period is to operate in so as to provide the most lucrative legislative tools.(http://www. cbo. gov/ftpdocs/89xx/doc8916/MainText. 4. 1. shtml) However, a problem exists in estimating the most appropriate economic periods between the upswings and the downswings which the congress and the president is to apply such policies. Since discretionary tools are only used to wave out the problem founded by economy in recession, the relevant stimulus which is a applied for such control are only time constrained and functional if the estimated states of recession is still in occupation.However, a problem mounts on when other various economic shocks which cause time differential hits the economy leading to subjective sub-optimal controls by the discretionary fiscal policies. Since, the status of the economy is difficult to access in terms of its length/span and the states of capacity and economic implication, the use of discretionary fiscal policy would therefore become difficult. (http://www. cbo. gov/ftpdocs/89xx/doc8916/MainText. 4. 1. shtml) Either, time lags are sensitive variables in defining the scope of economic stability.Generally, time lags may cause preferential economic instability where such tools used to overcome their effects become negatively implicating. Either, economic recession is purely a bad state which would even compromise economic stability. At recession, the state of GDP in terms of aggregate supply and also aggregate demand are usually not at equilibrium. When the tools for economic recession become counteractive, the state economic stability is therefore compromised. Misappropriated time lags lead to disequilibria in the economic markets. Reference Options for Responding to Short-Term Economic Weakness. Retrieved on 11th March 2008 form,
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